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Dispatcherutil SQL Server 2012 missing / JDBC 4 & JRE 1.6

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Hi all,

I've some issues with setting up the dispatcher.

First of all I'm missing the Microsoft SQL Server 2012 entry although it should be supported.

This is finally my dispatcher configuration, I'm wondering why the DSE Class Path is missing as per screenprint in Documentation:

Once restarted the application it is asking for the password. When I enter it and confirm the following error is displayed:

As per SAP documentation I'm using the java and jdbc components mentioned and should be compatible.

Thanks for you support.

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Is there some reason you can't use the sqlijdbc4 class library in your environment?

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Sorry. I've selected the wrong .jar file. The error disappeared later on.

Nevertheless either setting or password is incorrect. I'm 100% sure that it is the password I've set on installation of mxmc_db.

The log file isn't showing any hint what might be wrong. Can I use a different user for that?

I've figured out that a " is not allowed in the password of mxmc_admin. I've changed it during a reinstallation but the issue still appears. Any idea?

Thanks a lot for your feedback.

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I don't see why not. I can't remember what restrictions are on each account when it comes to database connections. You would think the admin account would be the best one but maybe the DB or RT accounts will do what you need?

Modify your connection string to use those accounts and see what happens. Trial and error is sometimes the best way to troubleshoot.

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It was just about complexity of the password. Trial and error did it finally.

Thanks all for your contribution.

Active Participant
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Trial and error sir. Sometimes that's all you have. Glad you got it fixed.