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​Debug-Info for NWBC.exe? (BC6.5)

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is there a way to get some feedback from NWBC.exe in case something goes wrong?

I had a case, where BC6.5 would start to open, but the just abort that process - without any message.

I would have guessed that when I start NWBC.exe from the command line that maybe the I would get some info, but it doesn't seem to be the case.

So, where can I look deeper into the inner workings of NWBC (debug-info) in order to find out what is wrong? (Are e.g. Log-Files written?)



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Active Contributor

Hi Joachim,

I have similar issue with NWBC, but I didn't look for solution. However I was able to trace the error. In my case there is an entry:

NotSupportedException: An attempt was made to load an assembly from a network location which would have caused the assembly to be sandboxed in previous versions of the .NET Framework. This release of the .NET Framework does not enable CAS policy by default, so this load may be dangerous. If this load is not intended to sandbox the assembly, please enable the loadFromRemoteSources switch

I believe that was the main error why the app is not loading, but as I stated earlier I wasn't really looking for a fix.

Anyway - back to your orginal question - there is a SAP Note:

1883689 - Possible trace types for analysing NWBC issues

The default location for the trace files is:

C:\Users\<user name>\AppData\Local\SAP\NWBC\Traces

Active Contributor
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Thanks Bartosz !

I admid I didn't try it, but I think it does answer my question!