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Custom Axis handler deployment

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I have the requirements to develop custom handler for Axis adapter of PI 7.11. I`ve kindly looked through the SAP Note 1039369 FAQ XI Axis Adapter, but can`t find what have to be name and structure of sda file to be deployed to AS Java.

From FAQ:

There are several places you can package your handlers. If your handlers do not require any references to any service or application components, they can be simply packaged in the standard 3rd party library SDA aii_af_jmsprovider.sda or depending on the adapter engine version (i.e., the former for the 640/700 engine and the latter for the 710 engine).

In blog Alessandro advices just to put complied java class to aii_af_axisprovider.sda and deploy it. Refer to SAP Note 1028961 this package should be named as

Is this a working approach? Does the sda have to include all required adapter jars or I can put just compiled handler class?

The other approach described in Axis FAQ is to use Axis SDK package:

If your handlers require some references to some service or application components, they must be packaged in a component that has references to these components and has its own start/stop life-cycle management. Your handlers should be registered to the Axis's class utility registry at the start up. In particular, if the adapter uses some handler classes that are not included in the standard library components of the Axis adapter, the class loaders of these classes must be registered in the org.apache.axis.utils.ClassUtils registry.


This step can be automatically performed when you simply include your handler classes in the Axis sample adapter package and add these class names in its file. In this case, the Axis sample adapter will automatically register these classes. Read What is the Axis sample adapter SDK? for more information.


The Axis sample adapter SDK for the 7.1x codelines is available as two deployable archives and

Could anyone clarify what archive should I use to deploy handler? Both or just one?

I`ve found in include with

So do I need to put compiled handler class to, add it to sda  and deploy?

Thanks for help in advance.

Best regards,


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Finally, I`ve deployed custom Axis handler packaged to with all referencing libs and updated provider.xml.

To prepare you can check SAP Note 1028961.



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Hi Sergey,

May I know how to deploy the custom Axis Handler? Do you mind provide mine me a step to step guide? I know how to deploy the provider libraries but don't know how to include my handler to it. my handler is an enhance HTTP sender that i would like to replace the original one.

I can share my codes with you.



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1. Add your package jar to "lib" folder of

2. Add the jar reference to "server/provider.xml"

3. Deploy sda using NWDS Deployment snap-in or SUM(JSPM).

I don`t know, maybe now the more correct way exists.

Best regards,


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Hi Sergey,

Thanks for your quick reply. I tried to deploy the Sample handler in Note 1039369 as mentioned as Axis SDK to PO 7.31 SP11.

In the Axis SDK for 7.31, there are two files and To deploy them and test the sample handler "SimpleAuthentication". Do I extract and include the to the Axis SDA Maker Tool?

I then deploy the result SDA to server but when I try to use it in the Adapter:

I am getting error "handler is not instaniated".

I really appreciate for your time and help, I tried to understand the steps to deploy custom handler to do some low level Soap communication customization.



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And here is the server/provider.xml

<?xml version="1.0"?>


  <display-name>XPI Axis Provider Library</display-name>




    <reference type="library" strength="strong" provider-name=""></reference>

    <reference type="library" strength="strong" provider-name="">engine.j2ee14.facade</reference>





















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I guess, "handler.type" value should contains the path to your handler in the jar deployed instead of the jar file name.
