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Crystal Reports 2008 with VB6

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We have solution in vb6 using only the runtime (CRAXDRT) to produce reports with CR8.5, and I wan't to know if is it possible to do the same with CR12. I read a lot about RDC is not support in 2008 version, but what is RDC? is it a component to view reports in VB application? if so, we don't need it. The VB6 app only take the request from a web page and save de reports on the server.

Let me know if i'm not clear!


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I'm moving this thread to the Legacy Application Development SDKs forum because you're asking a development question.

The "runtime (craxdrt)" is part of the Report Designer Component, or RDC. The RDC is the collection of DLLs that are needed to view a report through VB6, or other COM languages.

The RDC was retired with the release of CR 2008. You won't be able to migrate your CR8.5 application to CR2008 with the RDC because of it's retirement.

The recommended migration path is to move to the Crystal Reports .NET SDK and the ReportDocument object model.


Dan Kelleher