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Crystal Report Data Source

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I'm new to CR. I created a CR report that uses an Oracle stored procedure as its data source. The stored procedure has two input parameters and an OUT parameter which is a reference cursor.

The report is able to retrieve and display the rows in the result set. However, I would like to retrieve another piece of information from the database that will be displayed on the report header. This info applies to the entire report, not to individual rows on the report, so I would rather not include it as part of the result set.

I tried adding another OUT parameter to the stored procedure but CR gave me an error that it cannot be null. I changed it to an IN OUT parameter and assigned a value to it, but CR returned the same error.

Is there another option other than adding another column (with the same value) to the result set?

Thanks for your help.


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Former Member
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Hi Arnel,

Please follow the steps to add additional information to your report.

--Right click on Database expert

--Click on Add Command which is under your DataSource

--Write a sql which should retrieve the information from database.

--Do not link your stored procedure and command.

--Expand the command in report and place the object on your report header.

Hope this will resolve the issue.



Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Sastry,

I appreciate your quick response. Your solution is exactly what I was looking for.

Thanks so much.

