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Count NULL Records

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I am trying to count null records in the email field by using a running total. However, the running total is not calculating it correctly. I am using SQL Server and I have checked the database to make sure the cells are actually null and are not blank. What formula do I need to use to get the running total to work? I have tried isNull() and that didn't work. Here is my current formula:

{vwGenPatInfo.Patient_Email} = "" and

Next ({vwEncounterForms.Patient_ID}) <> {vwEncounterForms.Patient_ID}

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Former Member
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1) Is this a running total field or did you create a manual running total?

2) Why are you comparing the next record?

3) Do you have "Convert NULL values to Default" turned on in your report or global options?

Former Member
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Thanks. I checked "Convert NULL values to Default" in the report options and it wasn't checked. I turned it on and the running total now works perfectly. I am using a built-in running total, not a manual one.