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Convert values using MDM syndicator

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Can i convert values using MDM syndicator?

example if i want to convert MDM value of A to 0 for destination system, how can i handle that?

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Former Member
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Hi Subin,

Not sure if you can convert values in Syndicator directly. But you can definitely do the transformations in PI system. You can send data from MDM system as it is and then in PI system, you can convert the values and send the file to destination system. You can achieve this functionality easily. Or you can use Merge Items in Syndicator to convert value. You can store your conversions in a Flat file like:

Value     Conversion

A               0

B               1

and so on..

Then you can select this flat file as "Source File" in Merge Items tab and select "Matching field" as Value1(say, this is the MDM field which contains values like A, B, C and so on) and select "Source Field to Merge" as Conversion.

Then you can map this merge item to the destination item for which you want to send the converted value. Then syndicate the data to destination system. This way you can achieve your requirement.

Please let me know if this is helpful to you.

Thanks and Regards,

Ankush Bhardwaj