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BPS - Executing planning function with SAVE

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We are trying to use BPS for a slightly different purpose. We need a front-end to enter sonme data into a transaction cube. The issiue we are facing is we wish to execute a plnning function just before SAVING without having the user press any other button. Could anybody tell me if that is possible & how it can be achieved.

Would appreciate any help.


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you can create a planning sequence, put your planning function before the save function.

The save function hould be user exit which is include the FM UPC_FUNCEXEC_SAVE.


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We have created a planning sequesnce. But I am not clear about how we can call the SAVE function. Could you explain that please ? We are using the Standard Save function thru the Web Interface Builder.

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You could include the planning function in the folder & change it's attributes as "Execute Funciton before layout display" or "Execute function before layout change" as per your requirements.

You could use planning funciton as automated planning funciton in the LAYOUT BUILDER also.

Should the results (from automated planning function) be visible to users?

It all depends on your scenario. we could answer more if you could elaborate more on your scenario.

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Actually, what we are trying to do is perform some validations before the user can Save what is entered. The validations are quite simple e.g. User is required to enter 2 dates - From & To . One of the validations is To Date must be >= From Date. The problem is if it a valid date the user can still Save his entry. We want the validations to be performed when the user hits Save & give an error message if the validation fails. We are using a fox formula function to perform the validations.

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You just need to include fox formula planning funciton in the folder & make it's function attributes as "Execute funciton before layout change".

I just tested same sceanrio but in SAP GUI not in web & it works fine.

lemme know if it doesn't work for you.

hope it helps.

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Thanks a lot. That solved our problem. We actually changed the attributes to 'Execute function before saving'.

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Hi Anita,

Looking at the scenario you describe, I am afraid your error message from FOX is not going to prevent saving even if validation fails, because the value is still valid by SAP criteria. Also, multiple planning steps could have been carried out before the validation. You are dealing with the entire buffer. Usually it would take a custom FM to handle this. Please share your method if it works.


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Hi William,

The method worked but only in the SAP GUI. When we Web-enable the planning folder , it switches the function attribute to 'Execute function as a Push Button' even though we select 'No' when it pops up a message for adjusting.

To answer your question below, a hard error in the fox formula prevents the save so that part works.

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In your message in FOX, if you use E(rror) it would not save. I(nformation) or W(arning) would allow allow save.

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Could you explain a little more? Sorry but i am new in BPS.

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I have to apply this functionality to save my Web Planning Folder after the execution of a function which is a fox formula.

I call the function UPC_FUNCEXEC_SAVE at the end of my Fox Formula as explain above but the save is not complete... Or I have wrong ?


                                  • Save Planning Data *******************


FLAG = ' '.





  • ET_MESG =

  • ET_MESG =


Could you help me?

Thanks in advance,


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Why don't you guys use the "best practice" described in the how-to document

"How to Run Planning Sequences on Save and Other Events -WEB"?

In the planning sequence you can put a validation function which is e.g. a FOX. It works!

Hope it helps!

Regards, Aki