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BEx Query: ABAP Runtime Error after BW 7.0 --> 7.4 upgrade

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Gurus,

after the uprade of our BW system to BW 7.4 we receive an ABAP runtime error in one of our planning queries.

We receive the error in the frontend (Query Designer --> check & execute) and also in the ABAP Backend (RSRT).

Please help me.

For more details see the following error text.

Thank you in advance!

Category           ABAP Programming Error
Runtime Errors     GETWA_NOT_ASSIGNED

Application Component  BW-BEX-OT


|Short Text                                                                                        |

|    Field symbol has not been assigned yet.                                                       |



|What happened?                                                                                    |

|    Error in the ABAP Application Program                                                         |

|                                                                                                  |

|    The current ABAP program "CL_RSDRC_TREX_QUERY_LAYER=====CP" had to be                         |

|     terminated because it has                                                                    |

|    come across a statement that unfortunately cannot be executed.    


|Source Code Extract (Source code has changed)                                                     |


|Line |SourceCde                                                                                   |


|    1|METHOD _get_partprovs_with_trex_part.                                                       |

|    2|                                                                                            |

|    3|  DATA: l_ts_partprov TYPE tn_ts_partprov,                                                  |

|    4|        l_th_sfc      TYPE rsdd_th_sfc.                                                     |

|    5|                                                                                            |

|    6|  FIELD-SYMBOLS: <l_partprov> TYPE tn_s_partprov,                                           |

|    7|                 <l_s_part>   TYPE rsr_s_part.                                              |

|    8|                                                                                            |

|    9|  l_ts_partprov = i_ts_partprov.                                                            |

|   10|                                                                                            |

|   11|  LOOP AT l_ts_partprov ASSIGNING <l_partprov>.                                             |

|   12|    IF i_r_ipro->n_s_dta-cubetype = rsd_c_cubetype-hcpr                                     |

|   13|      AND i_r_ipro->is_execution_on_part_possible( ) = rs_c_false                           |

|   14|      AND i_r_ipro->is_part_in_columnview( i_partprov = <l_partprov>-partprov ) = rs_c_true.|

|   15|      IF rs_c_false = cl_rsdrc_trex_query_layer=>_has_partprov_trex_part(                   |

|   16|                                    i_partprov   = i_r_ipro->n_infoprov                     |

|   17|                                    i_th_sfc     = i_th_sfc                                 |

|   18|                                    i_actualdata = <l_partprov>-actualdata                  |

|   19|                                    i_cubetype   = i_r_ipro->n_s_dta-cubetype ).            |

|   20|                                                                                            |

|   21|        DELETE l_ts_partprov.                                                               |

|   22|      ENDIF.                                                                                |

|   23|    ELSE.                                                                                   |

|   24|      READ TABLE i_r_ipro->n_ts_part ASSIGNING <l_s_part>                                   |

|   25|      WITH KEY partprov = <l_partprov>-partprov.                                            |

|   26|                                                                                            |

|>>>>>|      _map_sfc_to_part(                                                                     |

|   28|        EXPORTING                                                                           |

|   29|          i_infoprov   = <l_s_part>-infoprov                                                |

|   30|          i_partprov   = <l_partprov>-partprov                                              |

|   31|          i_th_sfc     = i_th_sfc                                                           |

|   32|        IMPORTING                                                                           |

|   33|          e_th_sfc     = l_th_sfc ).                                                        |

|   34|                                                                                            |

|   35|      IF    sy-subrc        <> 0                                                            |

|   36|         OR <l_s_part>-comp <> rs_c_false                                                   |

|   37|         OR rs_c_false = cl_rsdrc_trex_query_layer=>_has_partprov_trex_part(                |

|   38|                                      i_partprov   = <l_partprov>-partprov                  |

|   39|                                      i_th_sfc     = i_th_sfc                               |

|   40|                                      i_actualdata = <l_partprov>-actualdata                |

|   41|                                      i_cubetype   = <l_s_part>-cubetype ).                 |

|   42|                                                                                            |

|   43|        DELETE l_ts_partprov.                                                               |

|   44|      ENDIF.                                                                                |

|   45|    ENDIF.                                                                                  |

|   46|  ENDLOOP.



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Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi @ all,

the SAP note 2004622 - HCPR: CompositeProvider Korrekturen 740 Teil 6 solved the problem. It's a little bit weird because we don't use an Composite Provider....

