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are there two levels, L1 and L2 of delta stores

Former Member

dear all

i have been reading up on the delta merge process, and come across a document that may explain the reason why i though delta storage was row based, in the face of many recent documents that say the delta store is a column based.

it states that there are actually 2 levels of delta store.

L1 - row based, uncompressed

L2 - column based, dictionary compressed

can anyone categorically confirm this, and maybe point to further information.


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This notion of what L1 and L2 delta are is correct on a conceptual level.

The L1 delta concept however has not been implemented in SAP HANA so far.

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hi lars

thanks for that

is the L2 store, dictionary compressed, with unsorted indexes.

or am i talking gibberish

and what about chandan's response below ?


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Sorry, but the details on the delta store implementation are not externally documented, so I cannot go into more detail here.

As mentioned before, the understanding of the L1 delta concept is correct - but it's not active in any productive SAP HANA code.

Former Member
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hi lars, thanks for that

we restarted a failed instance a short time ago, and noticed, in a log, that a "fusion delta merge" was occurring upon restart.

can you shed any light on that ?

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never saw this message - no idea.

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Ah well... looked it up and this seems rather new (SPS11).

WIth the continuous log replay feature there is also the ability to perform delta merges during log recovery (makes a lot of sens in replication scenarios). Upon crash recovery this is also done and works primarily on the delta store as far as I understand. The old delta gets cleaned out of outdated row versions and "fused' into a new delta.