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Adapter module logging

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi -

I've created an adapter module which contains J2EE logging statements.



Currently only 'Errors' show up in the log. I would like my 'Info' statements to show up as well.

How can I control the log severity for this adapter module from the J2EE Administrator Log Configurator service?

1) Is there an existing log Location that I should use? I don't see one for my module and I've tried most of the existing ones already.

2) If not, do I need to supply a log-configuration.xml in my ear file? I tried this but it also doesn't work.



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Former Member
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You have two options.

1. Continue with J2EE logging.In that case currently if you are only getting error log in the log file you might need to change the log settings. Do the following to achieve that.

  1. Log on to Visual admin.Select the LogConfigurator Service in the Cluster/Server/Services/LogConfigurator Node.

  1. Select the Locations Tab.

  1. Expand and select ROOT LOCATION/System/out.

  1. Select Severity: "All".

  1. Save your changes by clicking the disk symbol.

2. The second option being use of Audit logs. which would reqire the log-configuration file in your EAR and then you can use the following statements in your code.

AuditMessageKey auditMKey =
			new AuditMessageKey(message.getMessageId(), AuditDirection.INBOUND);
			"CustomModule :: process method started");

You can view these logs at the following URL


Hope this helps.


Former Member
0 Kudos


What I'd like is to have a Location for my Adapter Module in the Log Configurator. This way I can adjust the log severity for the specific module.

I would assume this can be setup because there's a Location for the sample module.

Any idea how to set this up?

