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We are happy to share the highlights of Release Candidate 12 of UI5 Web Components with you.

Release Candidate 12 is the last version to support Internet Explorer. We introduced a new package @ui5/webcomponents-ie11 that maintains all the IE-related code. With this change our @ui5/webcomponents-base package is completely free of IE11 code, resulting in reduced bundle size. In addition, we have invested time in both developing new components and implementing new features. You can find more details below.

You are welcome to get a taste on our release candidate, we are looking forward to receiving your feedback!

UI5 Web Components Team




New Package - @ui5/webcomponents-ie11

RC.12 will be the last version to support IE. We will drop the support of IE with the upcoming RC.13 and to prepare for that step, we extracted all the IE code into a separate package and those of you who don't need IE support will benefit from reduced size of the ES6 bundle by 4KB (2KB gzipped). If you need IE support, you would have to install the package.
With the next release IE, the @ui5/webcomponents-ie11 package will be deprecated, but still could be used on your own responsibility.


New Components

With the RC.12 version of UI5 Web Components, we extended the set of components we offer with three new components. The new additions to our library are as follows:  ColorPalette, ColorPicker and Page.

The ColorPalette enables the users to select a color from predefined set of colors.You can use within popover and make use of it more-colors feature, that displays a special button, pressing of which opens a ColorPicker, so the user can pick a specific color. The ColorPicker itself is a new component and can be used completely standalone if needed.


The Page enables developers to divide their views into three distinct areas - header, content area and a footer. It has properties such as the floatingFooter to define if the footer should float over the content and disableScrolling to enable/disable the vertical scrolling of page content.
And, you can notice how the Bar (available since RC.11) is used both as header and as footer - Page and Bar fit nicely together.


New Features

  • Wizard: improved step navigation responsiveness #2590

  • Calendar: added declarative dates support #2648

  • Table: added "growing" on Scroll capability #2593

  • ui5-tree-item: added info/infoState support #2711

  • MultiCombBox: аdded two-column layout support #2642



For further details and especially in case you need to adapt your applications please check out the full changelog. Your feedback is valuable for us, so let us know what you think!

What is coming around the corner?

With the UI5 Web Components we enable the usage of UI5 assets for Vue, Angular, React and whatever technology will come in future. And what we are doing now as well is to benefit from the web components by reusing them into Openui5. For that, we are building UI5 control adapters that will internally will render UI5 Web Components. But, more on that in the next releases.

Your Feedback is valuable to us

If you have questions, comments or need some help, feel free to leave a comment below, in the Q&A section or get in touch with us.

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