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NOTE: The views and opinions expressed in this blog are my own

In several earlier blogs I demonstrated how a simple Demo/PoC chatbot consuming Open AI API's and Hugging Face API's  could be built in python and deployed on BTP with less than 100 lines of code:

Simplify your LLM Chatbot Demos with SAP BTP and Gradio 

LLAMA2: Testing a Tiny LLM with Hugging Face & SAP BTP 

While interesting the question of Enterprise security was left open.

In this blog I will extend this simple app further to consume LLM's provided by SAP AI CORE and SAP's new Generative AI functionality, which provides a more secure Enterprise grade offering

If you follow the earlier blogs and add the additional logic, provide here, the simple app will now have access to 4 different LLM's as illustrated below:

Click to enlargeClick to enlarge


The new LLM's covered in this blog require that you have entitlements and access to SAP AI CORE with the EXTENDED plan. 

The 2 LLM's that should be deployed as a pre-requisites to this blog are:

  1. Foundation model  - Azure OpenAI  [I used the gpt-35-turbo model]
  2. Custom LLM  - Ollama with Phi-2 model running [tiny but provides surprisingly good results for it's size]

For a great overview of how to install Ollama and Phi-2 on AI Core see:

 It's Christmas! Ollama+Phi-2 on SAP AI Core 

Once you have deployed these you shoud see in SAP AI Launchpad 2 deployments running:

Click to enlargeClick to enlarge


Assuming we are running the Python app in the same BTP account that is running AI CORE we can simply bind AI CORE to the app with small ammendments to the manifest.yaml


  - openai_service
  - hf_llama2_inf_service
  - ai-core-extended


To simplify the call of the python app to AI CORE we need to add  SAP AI Core SDK library to the requirements:





In  new logic  is required to access  SAP AI CORE  , determine the deployment path info and then have custom chat handling  logic for the 2 new LLM API's.

The updated is:


import os, cfenv
import gradio as gr 
import json, time, random
import re

from ai_api_client_sdk.ai_api_v2_client import AIAPIV2Client

from openai import OpenAI

from typing import Iterator   #Stream results
from huggingface_hub import InferenceClient

port = int(os.environ.get('PORT', 7860))
print("PORT:", port)

# Define the regular expression pattern to extract interference path
pattern = re.compile(r'/v2(.*)')

# Create a Cloud Foundry environment object
env = cfenv.AppEnv()
llm_models = [ ]

# Check if the app is running in Cloud Foundry
        # Get the Open AI credentials
        service_name = "openai_service"
        openai_api_key = env.get_service(name=service_name).credentials['api_key']

        os.environ['OPENAI_API_KEY'] = openai_api_key
        OpenAIclient = OpenAI(
            api_key=os.environ['OPENAI_API_KEY'],  # this is also the default, it can be omitted
        print("OpenAI API Key assigned")

        # Get the Hugging Face Inference Endpoint details
        service_name = "hf_llama2_inf_service"
        hf_api_key        = 'incomplete' 
        hf_llama2_inf_url = 'incomplete' 
        print("Hugging Face API Key assigned")

        #get ai-core service and deployment details
        service_name = "ai-core-extended"
        ai_core_extended_service = env.get_service(name=service_name)

        ai_api_client = AIAPIV2Client( 
            base_url= ai_core_extended_service.credentials['serviceurls']['AI_API_URL'] + "/v2", # The present AI API version is 2, 
            auth_url= ai_core_extended_service.credentials['url'] + "/oauth/token", 
            client_id= ai_core_extended_service.credentials['clientid'], 
            client_secret= ai_core_extended_service.credentials['clientsecret'], 
            resource_group= 'default'

        aic_scenarios = [{"id":'ollama-server'}, {"id":'foundation-models'}]
        for scenario in aic_scenarios:
            deployments = ai_api_client.rest_client.get(
                headers={ "AI-Resource-Group":"default"},
                params= {"scenarioId" : scenario['id']}
            for deployment in deployments ['resources']:
                # Use the findall method to extract the path
                matches = pattern.findall(deployment['deployment_url'])
                # Extracted path will be the first (and only) element in the matches list
                if matches:
                    scenario['path'] = matches[0]
                    llm_models.append("sap-ai-core-" + scenario['id'] )
                print("Path not found.")  

    except cfenv.AppEnvError:
        print(f"The service '{service_name}' is not found.")
    print("The app is not running in Cloud Foundry.")

prompt = " "

def generate_response(llm, prompt)-> Iterator[str]:
   outputs = []

   global ai_api_client
   global aic_scenarios
   if llm == 'OpenAI':
    response =
            {"role": "system", "content": "You are a helpful assistant."},
            {"role": "user", "content": prompt}

    yield response.choices[0].message.content

   elif llm == 'Llama-2-7b-chat-hf':

      # Streaming Client
      client = InferenceClient(hf_llama2_inf_url, token=hf_api_key)

      # generation parameter
      gen_kwargs = dict(
          stop_sequences=["\nUser:", "<|endoftext|>", "</s>"],

      stream = client.text_generation(prompt, stream=True, details=True, **gen_kwargs)

      # yield each generated token
      for r in stream:
          # skip special tokens
          if r.token.special:
          # stop if we encounter a stop sequence
          if r.token.text in gen_kwargs["stop_sequences"]:
          # yield the generated token
          print(r.token.text, end = "")
          yield r.token.text
   # Ollama Server expected to be running Phi-2
   elif llm == 'sap-ai-core-ollama-server':

       for scenario in aic_scenarios:
        if scenario["id"] == 'ollama-server':
            relevant_path = scenario["path"]

       streaming = False 
       response =
            path= relevant_path + "/v1/api/chat",
            headers={ "AI-Resource-Group":"default"},
            body = {
                    "model": "phi",
                    "messages": [ {
                        "role": "user",
                        "content": prompt
                    } ],
                    "stream": False

       if streaming:
           print('Streaming response logic not implemented')
            yield response['message']['content']

   #Azure OPEN AI  - gpt-35-turbo  -  api-version=2023-05-15
   elif llm == 'sap-ai-core-foundation-models':
       for scenario in aic_scenarios:
            if scenario["id"] == 'foundation-models':
                relevant_path = scenario["path"]

       streaming = False     
       response =
            path= relevant_path + "/chat/completions?api-version=2023-05-15",
            headers={ "AI-Resource-Group":"default"},
            body = {
                        "messages": [
                                "role": "user",
                                "content": prompt
                        #"max_tokens": 100,   #gives error   with api  accepted in REST
                        "temperature": 0.0,
                        #"frequency_penalty": 0, #gives error   with api  accepted in REST
                        #"presence_penalty": 0, #gives error   with api  accepted in REST
                        "stop": "null",
                        "stream" : streaming
       if streaming:
           print('Streaming response logic not implemented')
            yield response["choices"][0]["message"]["content"]

      yield "Unknown LLM, please choose another and retry."

def llm_chatbot_function(llm, input, history) -> Iterator[list[tuple[str, str]]]:
    history = history or []

    my_history = [entry for sublist in history for entry in sublist]
    my_input = ' '.join(my_history)

    generator = generate_response(llm, my_input)
        first_response = next(generator)
        history.append((input, first_response))  # Ensure that the history entry is a tuple
        yield history, history
    except StopIteration:
        history.append((input, ''))  # Ensure that the history entry is a tuple
        yield history, history

    for chunk in generator:
        history[-1] = (history[-1][0], history[-1][1] + chunk)  # Ensure that the history entry is a tuple
        yield history, history

def create_llm_chatbot():
    with gr.Blocks(analytics_enabled=False) as interface:
        #if 1 == 1:
        with gr.Column():
            top = gr.Markdown("""<h1><center>LLM Chatbot</center></h1>""")
            llm = gr.Dropdown(
                    llm_models, label="LLM Choice", info="Which LLM should be used?" , value="OpenAI"
            chatbot = gr.Chatbot()
            state = gr.State()
            question = gr.Textbox(show_label=False, placeholder="Ask me a question and press enter.")
            with gr.Row():
              summbit_btn = gr.Button("Submit")
              clear = gr.ClearButton([question, chatbot, state ])

        question.submit(llm_chatbot_function, inputs=[llm, question, state], outputs=[chatbot, state]), inputs=[llm, question, state], outputs=[chatbot, state])

    return interface

llm_chatbot = create_llm_chatbot()
if __name__ == '__main__': 
    llm_chatbot.queue(max_size=20).launch(server_name='',server_port=port)    #Queue needs Share = True  share=True, debug=True



All going well, once you push the app to BTP CF the updated Gradio app should now have 4 LLM's:

Click to enlargeClick to enlarge

Now lets test them.

First lets test the more powerful foundation model (Azure Open AI):

Click to enlargeClick to enlarge

Perfect....... is it?

Now lets test the tiny Custom LLM (Phi-2) running in SAP AI CORE:

Click to enlargeClick to enlarge

Correct?  I'm not so sure... Perhaps it's read less books than OpenAI's LLM?

For more discussions on what is the "correct" answer checkout 2+2=5

For more comprehensive examples on how to build Single tenant and Multitenant apps for Customers and Partners  leveraging SAP AI Core and the latest SAP Generative AI enhancements then checkout:

Retrieval Augmented Generation with GenAI on SAP BTP 


So where to next for this simple app? I think I heard somewhere that SAP Hana Cloud has a new Vector engine design to store embeddings which can help improve LLM searches. 😉

I welcome your additional thoughts and comments below.


SAP notes that posts about potential uses of generative AI and large language models are merely the individual poster’s ideas and opinions, and do not represent SAP’s official position or future development roadmap. SAP has no legal obligation or other commitment to pursue any course of business, or develop or release any functionality, mentioned in any post or related content on this website.