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In S/4HANA Cloud, customers can subscribe to Market Rate Management(MRM) either via BYOR option or Refinitive option to consume the latest market rates, for example, Foreign exchange rates, Reference Interest Rates, etc.




To do so, in S/4HANA Cloud side,


1 The scope item 1S4(Automatic Market Rates Management) needs to be activated;


2 The communication arrangement is setup successfully for communication scenario SAP_COM_0203 according to the Set-up Instruction of 1S4(URL:;







Once the set-up is done, you may run APP Request Current Market Data(TBD4) to get the latest market data from the MRM service that you’ve subscribed to.








However, due to the complexity of this integration scenario, you might get error messages here and there.


This series of blogs is trying to help you better understand the error messages and do the correction accordingly.




Error type 3:the following error message occurs  when running app Request Current Market Data(TBD4):

Request http status 204
Request error: No Content



You get this error because you didn't maintained the entries correctly in app Assign... Notations, for example, if you've uploaded the following exchange rates to MRM service on BTP ( BYOR option ).

FX rates in data sourceFX rates in data source
And now you want to get the latest FX exchange rate EUR/USD from MRM service on BTP. Then in app Assign Currency Notations, you need to maintain an entry similar to below one.

For FX exchange rate, you should maintain the following three columns carefully.

Instrument = 'Key 1' + '~' + 'Key 2'+':01'

Property: should be the same value as the field 'Property' that you've uploaded.

Data Source: in our case, it's BYOR, if you use Refinitiv option, then it could be other values like  'ST', 'ST-BOFC', 'ST-DJI', etc.


For other data type, the Instrument field should be maintained differently. For example, for Reference Interest rate, the Instrument = 'Key 1' + '~' + 'Key 2'+':03'. For details, please refer to the test script of 1S4 in below URL:





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