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SAP has released the version 2024.6 of SAP Datasphere # on Mar 12, 2024. Your SAP Datasphere tenants have been updated probably even before Mar 12, 2024

There are 3 Data Integration, 4 Data Modeling and 1 SAP BW Bridge enhancements in version 2024.6 of SAP Datasphere.


Data Integration

TuncayKaraca_0-1710340067619.jpegPhoto by Chris Linnett on Unsplash

1 In Views monitor, the findings provided with the option Rate Column Suitability while creating partitions to persist your views, have been refined with more precise information. Creating Partitions for Your Persisted Views

It’s a great functionality. Instead of just selecting a column for partitioning the views you switch Rate Column Suitability and then it will runs a tech analysis of the view to calculate the level of suitability for partitioning for each column.

SAP Datasphere — Define Partitions — Rate Column Suitability

2 You can now use X.509 client certificates or certificate chains for authentication when creating connections to SAP HANA in a more secure way. For new connections, X.509 Client Certificate becomes the default authentication type. SAP HANA Connections

It’s another great addition, more security for SAP HANA Connections. Now you have two Authentication Types.

  • X.509 Client Certificate (default)
  • User Name And Password for basic authentication

3 You can add remote tables located in SAP BW bridge spaces to a transformation flow. Creating a Transformation Flow

It must be something advantage feature if you have SAP BW Bridge. So you can use BW Bridge objects that you already imported as remote into BW Bridge space and shared with other spaces, then you can use it directly as a source while creating a transformation flow. The transformation flow can write the result into a local table in target space. Please note as source in the transformation flows you can only use now (1) local tables (2) remote tables located in BW Bridge spaces.


There might be issues in your S/4HANA data sources after latest release of SAP Datasphere 2024.6 and Data Integration enhancements. Please check recently updates SAP Notes and run CNV_NA_DI transaction (program CNV_NOTE_ANALYZER_DI) in your system to see if more notes need to be applied.


Data Modeling

TuncayKaraca_2-1710340068151.jpegPhoto by Joyce Wu on Unsplash

1 We have improved the user experience for the analytic model. Apart from smaller adjustments, semantic information for fact source measures is displayed. On the entry page of the analytic model editor, the deployment date is now displayed. You can now delete multiple dimensions at once. In the details for analytic models, measures, attributes, and variables, the dependencies are now displayed.

It’s good to have improved additions for analytical models.

2 Improved Consumption of Associations in Analytic Models: In cases where multiple associations and/or text association are defined on a single attribute in a fact or dimension, you can now specify which association (or local text attribute) should be used for each attribute when analytic models consume your entity. Specify Attributes

You defined multiple associations and/or text association for a single attribute in a fact or dimension, that’ okay, then while creating analytical model you can manually choose which association (or local text attribute) should be used. Without the life would be miserable. Great addition.

3 When you import SAP HANA SQL views via Open SQL schemas, you can now obtain input parameters and Not Null and Default Value metadata for columns. Review and Edit Imported Table Properties

That’s great! We should have had it by now. Very good improvement.

4 Consume Analytic Models with Single-Value Variables via OData API: You can now consume analytic models containing variables that require single values via the OData consumption API. Consume Data via the OData API

Note: Only analytic models that require single values for variables can be consumed. Restricted measure variables and filter variables that require the user to set multiple single values, intervals, or ranges are not supported for consumption via OData.






SAP BW Bridge

TuncayKaraca_3-1710340067715.jpegPhoto by David Martin on Unsplash

1 You can now import tables for delta extraction from an SAP BW bridge connection into an SAP BW bridge space. Additional Information About Remote Tables

It’s again related to using the remote table in BW Bridge space with the transformation flows. If the imported table is configured to load delta changes the system adds additional parameters to the Properties panel of the view transform.



  1. What’s New in SAP Datasphere. March 12, 2024. Version 2024.6
  2. What’s New in SAP Datasphere Version 2024.6 — Mar 12, 2024 at
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