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Dear readers.

In this blog we'll look into the functionality of transaction code BD87, It is used to monitor and process the IDocs in SAP:

Let's look at what IDoc is first

  • IDoc (or intermediate document) is used by SAP applications to transport data between applications and external systems. Businesses using SAP ERP systems, for instance, can exchange data with partners or customers by using IDocs.
  • While transferring information from a SAP system to an external system takes place through electronic data interchange (EDI), the transfer between SAP systems is handled by SAP's ALE solution. This eliminates the need to transform data across formats in order to exchange data between the various systems.


Open the transaction BD87 – Go to Basic Transactions-> IDoc Status Monitoring for ALE Messages.


Once we go to transaction screen you will find the option to select the required filters in Initial screen based on the actual need.

In the same screen we get multiple filters to search the IDoc


After providing the required information on the IDoc screen, we can see multiple options (explained below)


  1. Refresh IDoc Display Button- This can be used to  refresh the detailed view and when we change the status of any IDoc or reprocess the IDoc.
  2. Expand Subtree:- To expand the subtree of the view component(node) that is presently chosen.
  3. Collapse subtree:- Compresses the subtree of the view's presently chosen component(node).
  4. Display Partner systems:- groups the partner systems, IDoc status, and message type in the IDoc tree view.
  5. Highlight message type:- Groups the IDoc tree view according to the message type and IDoc status.
  6. Select IDocs:- Restricts the IDocs that are now being shown in a pop-up window. The pre-filled parameters match those chosen in the before selection mask.
  7. Display IDocs:- After select the node an ALV list of all IDocs is open, and you can twice click the node and you will achieve the same result.
  8. Trace IDocs:- When you want see trace of Displayed an IDoc status its alternatively clicking the twice on the IDoc this will achieve the same result.
  9. Process:- All of the IDocs of the chosen node are processed by this function. This feature should be utilized carefully because a mistaken click could possibly send thousands of IDocs for re-processing, which could have unintended consequences.

Let's have a look how to process the failed IDoc’s:- When we found the the initial screen of IDoc monitoring then we need to process it, then we there is Process button on Status bar, then select the node then hit the process button and the mentioned IDoc is processed.


These are some major characteristics of BD87 T-code:

Reprocessing Failed IDocs: It is solely used to handle Failed IDocs. We can reprocess the IDoc by using the error number, IDoc number, and necessary message type.

Retains Original IDoc Number: With this option the original IDoc number is kept when processing a failed IDoc in BD87 is restarted. By ensuring the preservation of the IDoc history and references, it is possible to more easily follow the processing timeline.

Processing Several IDocs at Once: This transaction also helps users to process multiple of IDocs at once. Since this allows us to manage multiple IDocs at once, this can be very helpful.

Processes unsuccessful IDocs: We cannot reprocess the IDocs which are already successful.

Hope you enjoyed reading.


We discussed how to re-process the failed IDoc's.

Related information's- 

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Thank you.

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