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Hello All,

I Hope everyone doing well! 🙂


Recently, We have a requirement to add new fields in create new opportunities in My opportunities standard application. To achieve this functionality we have opted for Standard app extension. So, I would like give a brief description of how I achieved this requirement(Standard Fiori App extension).

This blog post will be very useful for the consultants who have the similar kind of requirements.

In this blog, I am going to explain you how to Add additional fields at the time of Opportunity create screens as in below screenshot

In order to achieve the above requirement I have followed below steps.

Frontend application UI5 Extension:

View Design:

To add new section Classification info with new fields Opportunity Group and origin in create screen replaced S5.view with S5Custom.View.xml   and added the code as below.
<la:form.SimpleForm id="form21" minWidth="1024" title="Classification Info" maxContainerCols="2" editable="true"
layout="ResponsiveGridLayout" labelSpanL="3" labelSpanM="3" emptySpanL="4" emptySpanM="4" columnsL="1" columnsM="1" class="editableForm">
<Label id="opportunityGroup_Label" text="Opportunity Group"></Label>

<Select id="opportunityGroup" items="{json>/OpptGroupSet}" >
<core:Item key="{json>OpptGroupCode}" text="{json>Description}"></core:Item>

<Label id="originLabel" text="Origin"></Label>

<Select id="origin" items="{json>/OriginSet}" >
<core:Item key="{json>OriginCode}" text="{json>Description}"></core:Item>


Controller Extension:

In Create extended extHookGetAdditionalCustomizing, extHookHandleBatchResponses to get and bind the dropdown values to newly added fields.


	extHookGetAdditionalCustomizing: function() {
// Place your hook implementation code here
var that = this;
var oModel = that.getView().getModel();
var sStatusPath1 = "OpptGroupSet";
if (this.processType && this.processType !== "") {
var sFilterValue1 ="OpptType eq '" + this.processType + "'");
sStatusPath1 = sStatusPath1 + "?$filter=" + sFilterValue1;
var a = [];
a.push(that.getView().getModel().createBatchOperation("OriginSet", "GET"));
a.push(that.getView().getModel().createBatchOperation(sStatusPath1, "GET"));

return oModel;

	extHookHandleBatchResponses: function(r) {
// Place your hook implementation code here

var s = {
OpptGroupSet: [],
OriginSet: [],

var o = new sap.ui.model.json.JSONModel();
var oppgrp = new sap.ui.model.json.JSONModel();

//Opportunity group binding
if (r.__batchResponses[5].statusCode === "200") {
s.OpptGroupSet = r.__batchResponses[5].data.results;
} else
this.handleErrors(r, true);
var opptGrp = {
OpptGroupSet: [{
Description: "",
LanguageCode: "",
OpptType: this.processType,
OpptGroupCode: ""
if (s.OpptGroupSet.length !== undefined) {
for (var j = 0; j < s.OpptGroupSet.length; j++) {
if (s.OpptGroupSet[j].OpptType === this.processType) {
this.byId("opportunityGroup").setModel(oppgrp, "json");
//origin set binding
if (r.__batchResponses[4].statusCode === "200") {
s.OriginSet = r.__batchResponses[4].data.results;
} else
this.handleErrors(r, true);
var origin = {
OriginSet: [{
Description: "",
OriginCode: ""
if (s.OriginSet.length !== undefined) {
for (var i = 0; i < s.OriginSet.length; i++) {
this.byId("origin").setModel(o, "json");


Extended extHookSaveOentry to get and add new fields data to save
	extHookSaveOentry: function(E) {
// Place your hook implementation code here
var that = this;
// Place your hook implementation code here
E.OpptGroupText = that.getView().byId("opportunityGroup")._getSelectedItemText();
E.OpptGroupCode = that.getView().byId("opportunityGroup").getSelectedKey();
E.OriginText = that.getView().byId("origin")._getSelectedItemText();
E.Origin = that.getView().byId("origin").getSelectedKey();
return E;


OData extension in Gateway System:

Step 1: Created a new OData project (ZCRM_OPPT_EXTN) in SEGW Transaction code and redefined. Standard OData Service (SAP GW). Technical Service name: CRM_OPPORTUNITY.

Step 2: Selected all the entity types from the screenshot below


By following the above steps, we can enhance the standard Fiori application with custom fields.

Hope this blog will be helpful 🙂

Thanks for reading .

Please provide your valuable feedback on comment section.

Thanks and regards

G Supriya
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