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Hey there, in this article, I’ll be talking about using checkbox hotspots in OO-ALV. Let’s dive into the scenario I faced.

So, my functional team had a request to create a report in ALV Grid format with a column layout like in the image. Each “ID” has one or more items, and each item has a repeating view formation:

  1. Basic
  2. Plant
  3. Purchasing

Here are the scenarios that needed to be handled:

  1. Editable checkboxes are only available on the first item, non-editable checkboxes are available on subsequent item rows.
  2. Changes in value (tick/untick) in editable checkboxes should also be reflected in non-editable checkboxes, on the same IDs.

This is the (expected) result. The animated version will be at the end of the article :)This is the (expected) result. The animated version will be at the end of the article 🙂

Initially, I tried using the hotspot setting with just the SET_CELL_TYPE_COLUMN method by dynamically filling the T_CELLTYPE table for each row.


FORM f_build_data.

    DATA(id_idx) = sy-index. "--ID

    LOOP AT gi_mara ASSIGNING FIELD-SYMBOL(<fs_mara>).
      DATA(seq_idx) = sy-tabix. "-- item number

      DATA(view) = SWITCH char10( seq_idx
        WHEN 1 THEN 'BASIC'
        WHEN 2 THEN 'PLANT'

      gw_report = VALUE #(
        no = id_idx
        item = seq_idx
        matnr = <fs_mara>-matnr
        view = view
        status = icon_incomplete ).  
      "-- fill the T_CELLTYPE column for each row,
      "-- based on ITEM NUMBER
      DATA(ctype) = SWITCH salv_s_int4_column( seq_idx
        WHEN 1 THEN VALUE #( columnname = 'SEL' value = if_salv_c_cell_type=>checkbox_hotspot )
        ELSE VALUE #( columnname = 'SEL' value = if_salv_c_cell_type=>checkbox ) ).

      APPEND ctype TO gw_report-t_celltype.

      APPEND gw_report TO gi_report.





Unfortunately, this attempt didn’t work out. The click event (tick/untick) could be handled, but the presentation of the editable checkbox icon couldn’t be displayed.

So close, yet so farSo close, yet so far

 After trying various approaches, I found that the requested scenario could be achieved by setting the “Checkbox” column using two methods altogether, SET_CELL_TYPE and SET_CELL_TYPE_COLUMN.


FORM f_display_data.

  DATA lo_collist TYPE REF TO cl_salv_column_list.

      r_salv_table = go_alv
      t_table      = gi_report

  DATA(lo_cols) = go_alv->get_columns( ).
    value = abap_true

  lo_collist ?= lo_cols->get_column( columnname = 'SEL' ).
    value = if_salv_c_cell_type=>checkbox_hotspot

*-- Then, setting up cell type, based on value in T_CELLTYPE
  lo_cols->set_cell_type_column( value = 'T_CELLTYPE' ).

*-- events
  DATA(lo_events) = go_alv->get_event( ).

  CREATE OBJECT go_handler.
  SET HANDLER go_handler->on_click FOR lo_events.

  go_alv->display( ).



First, I used the SET_CELL_TYPE method to define the CHECKBOX_HOTSPOT on the “Checkbox” field. Then, the SET_CELL_TYPE_COLUMN method was also called to change the cell type according to the value in the T_CELLTYPE table.

And here’s the result: 


I might not have been diligent enough in finding the right solution on the SAP forum, but I feel fortunate that I was able to fulfill the requested scenario with a slightly unexpected workaround like the one above.

For the complete code, check on this link. 

Hope this helps fellow ABAPers out there. See you around!

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