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This is the era of intelligent technologies, intelligent enterprises with intelligent ERP. To sustain, there is no alternate of process automation. Getting started with automation journey, RPA is playing key role. This article will help to understand and know about the RPA things.


  1. Robotic Process Automation

RPA (Robotic Process Automation) is a digital enablement technology using user interface and program scripts to automate our tedious and no value routine works.


RPA can be 2 types – Attended mode and Unattended mode. With attended mode partial jobs can be done automatically with human intervention. And an unattended RPA can do a job fully automatically without human interference.


  1. RPA Myths

  • RPA will replace human – RPA actually relief human for silly tasks. It takes robot out of human

  • RPA is only about cost reduction – It’s not only reduce cost, it also brings value

  • RPA is all hype and won’t last – It will last for years

  • RPA can be implemented without IT involvement – Since there is software with RPA, the automation has exception and it requires maintenance, without IT involvement it will not be successful

  • RPA is just a super macro and already exist – Yes in excel and VBA macro can perform task automatically, but RPA can perform task, control, distribute jobs, scale etc. It is more than macro.


  1. Use Cases of RPA

  • Business process automation considering tedious processes, long running processes, time consuming processes, hidden processes

  • New process and user don’t have much time

  • Process to be done in short period of time

  • Process incompatible with manual process

  • Process with manual errors which cost a lot

  • To increase quality of service


  1. Business Values of RPA

  • Improve Operation – by removing manual, tedious, error tasks from process and mobilizing resources for high value tasks

  • Reduce Cycle Time – by making faster repetitive tasks, improving overall process efficiency, cutting process execution time

  • Increase Service Quality – by reducing human error, improving user satisfaction, gain speed & efficiency with running 24/7

  • Increase Compliance – by capability of validations, analysis and auto reporting

  • Cuts Cost – by saving resources


  1. How to get start with Automation Journey

  • Determine your digital transformation plan

  • Analyze key process for potential automation

  • Prioritize based on business value and implementation complexity

  • Adopt process automation tools like RPA

  • Establish structure and operating model

  • Monitor progress and change management


SAP Intelligent RPA

SAP intelligent RPA is the gateway to Intelligence. Implementing SAP intelligent RPA business processes can be automated with hands-free execution, streamline operations, reduce costs and free resources for higher value work.

It has best integration with SAP applications. Pre-defined bots for ready to deploy. Fully attended and unattended RPA capability. Comes with comprehensive bot development tools. Embedded with Artificial Intelligent (AI) and Machine Learning (ML).

SAP S/4HANA comes with the capability of intelligent RPA. S/4HANA can interact with Conversational AI, execute tasks with intelligent bots (RPA) and optimize with ML. S/4HANA RPA capability scope includes Finance, Procurement & Sales, Manufacturing & Supply Chain, Data Management and Project.


Time has come to automate non value added tasks with RPA and utilize resources for more value added tasks.
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