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Work Manager 6.4 Look and Feel

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We have observed that the look and feel of Work Manager 6.4 is different based on different client version. As an example on agentry, We see that there is a back arrow button for agentry client 70.10.0 and 70.13.0 but not on 70.8.0. to go back to previous screen. Also, let's say there are two operations in a WO, on clicking on first operation it opens the details of operation screen. After clicking on back arrow and clicking again on the same operation doesn't open the operation details.

Are these know issues?



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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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The WPF client was updated with the SP12 release to change the way windowing was handed to make it more comparable to the iOS and Android platforms and it also introduced the back button. That is why you are seeing the difference there. Additionally there were some changes in how the tile lists handled events. The issue you mention has already been fixed in the currently released version. There are also some additional changes coming in the next patch such that I would recommend you upgrade to SMP3 SDK SP14 PL05 (expected to be released next week).

Work Manager 6.4 was released with SP13 I believe as the minimum client version.
