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Query on BCS virtual cube is not using the aggregates on BCS basic cube

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Hi all,

I have BCS Virtual cube which is linked to BCS Basic cube. I built aggregates on BCS Basic cube.

I created simple query on BCS basic cube and ran in debug mode of rsrt, it showed the aggregates on bcs basic cube. But when I created the same query on BCS vitual cube and ran it rsrt debug mode the query did not show any aggregates, that was strange.

So My questions is whether query built on virtual bcs can utilize the aggregates built BCS basic cube, if possible please let me knows the tweaks.



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I assume that your BCS InfoCube is on a separate system to where you are running the query (i.e. remote).

I do not believe that you can do this. Virtual InfoCube are not usually defined on InfoCubes but on DataSources or 'services' which do not have aggregates.

The OLAP processor simply issues a data selection on the virtual infoCube.

Sorry I'm unaware of any tweaks to do this.

All the best,


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Hi Mike,

Thanks for the mail, the BCS cube(both virtual and basic cube) is not on saperate system. I have a BCS functional consultant, he says that queries are everytime written on the virtaul cube.



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The BCS virtual cube uses a special function module to access the cube data. This function module does access not only the fields that are in the query. That is why your aggregates are not fetched. A typical reason is that any query on the BCS cube will have a restriction on the request ID (because of the open requests) so you need the request ID in your aggregates.

You can either analyze the function module on your own or ask SAP for technical help on this.

Best regards


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Hi Dirk,

Thanks for mail, I already posted the mail for SAP, I haven't received any reply from them. As you said I have include the request id in the aggregates but when i creating the aggregates on the BCS basic cube, in the left hand side panel I don't see any dimension for datapacket, i can see the time dimension. I don't know why the aggregate panel is not showing the datapacket dim even though the datapackage time and unit are fixed dimensions.

Any help is greatly appreciated.



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The datapack id is not shown because you are on a virtual cube. Since a virtual cube does not hold any data it makes no sense to have a datapackage dim. And you cannot access the DP dim of the basic cube through the function module.


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unfortunately I don't have an SEM-BCS available now. What you could try is to put a breakpoint into RSDRI_INFOPROV_READ and execute a query on the virtual cube in transaction RSRT. The system should stop and show you the selection it is using (in I_TH_SFC and I_TH_SFK). You could build your aggregates based on this extraction.


Best regards


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Thanks for the tips Dirk, I have used rsrt but don't know about the breakpoint. if possible can you tell me steps to debug.



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1. Goto se37. Enter RSDRI_INFOPROV_READ and choose Display.

2. In line 82 (in a BW 3.5) there is a line that says:

CLEAR: e_t_data, e_end_of_data, e_aggregate, e_split_occurred.

Put the cursor in there and press the 'stop shield' or use CtrlShiftF12.

3. In the same mode open transaction RSRT and choose your query. Execute it. If you stop at the breakpoint, enter I_TH_SFC into one of the fields in the lower left area and press Enter. You should see a table with the characteristics you need in the system.

As I said I'm not quite sure if it works. I have access to a BCS system on monday. I'll try then to find out more.

Best regards
