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Master Data Not visable in SNC 7.0

Former Member
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I cannot view any master data in the SNC

I have activated the HTTP services for then SNC and have access to the SNC UI's, the SCM system has existing master data transfered using the CIF, Plant and customer/vendor.

I have extended a product at a suppliers location but cannot either make this visable or see the master data for selection in the SNC's Ui and created and assigned an internet user for the supplier

I cannot view any master data in the SNC or make a slection using location ..etc in the master data menu.

What is the best approach to identify the cause of this problem?

Thanks James

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Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi James

Can you please conduct the following checks in your systems.

1)check whether products and locations are in active model.

2)TL exists between you ship to and ship from location, Assign necessary means of transport

3)In your location product assign the corresponding BP.

4)check whether your internet user has necessary roles and authorization,maintain the relationship with BP-Org

5)Do SU53 authorization check for ur internet user.

6)Complete the authorization, Role comparision in pfcg transaction.

These setting should enable you to see the master data under master data menu. The other scenario specific data would be seen only after creating necessary transactional data and maintaining application specific master data

