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BCS- Business Content

Former Member
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Hi everybody!

I'm new in BW and BCS, so I need help. I have 2 questions:

1.- ¿Which DataSource (from Business Content) are necessary for BCS Implementation?

2.- How can I delete some DataSource that are in my SourceSystem?

Thanks a LOT!!!


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Welcome to SDN...

1) i am not sure what you exactly need here. but you can check get help on needed datasource in business content in rsa1 by selecting "display description " on the context menu of a dataflow element and cheking its network diagram.

2) you can delete the datasources in RSA6 of the source system

hope it helps.

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with regards


Former Member
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I'm still having problems...

I deleted the DataSource,then I saved.

But when I check in Workbench:Modeling, they're still there.

I'm trying to create step by step DataSource from Business Content, but I can't because I'm still have DataSource in my unique Source System.

Thanks again!

Active Contributor
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it is there in workbench but it wont work.. just replicate the datasources of your source system then it will not be displayed any more. but i think there will be insconsitancy if you have not deleted transfer rules based on this datasource.

with regards
