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Device info record creation and installation through code

Former Member
0 Kudos


We are trying to create and install a device info record through code in our project.

We are first creating device info record through function module ISU_S_SMALL_DEVICE_CREATE and then installing it using ISU_S_WORKLIST_INSTALL.

The code is working fine except when the geraet of device info record created through code already exists for some other material number. If we try to install that device we get an error in ISU_S_WORKLIST_INSTALL (specifically, function module ISU_METER_IDENTIFY called inside ISU_S_WORKLIST_INSTALL is failing with sy-subrc NE 0 as our code is being called in background (not in dialogue mode)) .

Any suggestions to remove this error?




0 Kudos

Hi AM,

I dont know whether you are using CONVERSION_EXIT_ALPHA_INPUT for converting the device info record. Use it further for ISU_S_WORKLIST_INSTALL_PROVIDE to get the OBJ and AUTO that further can be used for ISU_S_WORKLIST_INSTALL_ACTION.

