SAP for Insurance Discussions
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Resolved! Payment Run FPY1 Error Handling

Hi Experts, I did a payment run and below things are observed a) I had activated problem class with Additonal information still the logs say 'Selected Items: 1, Paid Items: 1'  b) Payment list from the menu bar (Environment) does not even show any ...

Resolved! Processing Credits

Hi.I have a requirement where the open credits/payables will be transferred to a suspense account.But it will still be paid in the future.Is there a standard transaction in FS-CD to transfer open credits/payables to a suspense account?Also after tran...

Resolved! Table for FS-PM Product Template

Hi All,I want to extract information (Attributes, Text, or even Hierarchy) for Product Template (TCode: /PM0/ABC_IBC - Edit Product Templates).Unfortunately, I am unable to find the table containing this information.Could anyone able to tell me where...

SAP Solutions pricing

Hi there,I'm doing a research with a few colleagues of mine.We have a case about a fictional insurance company that now works with different systems for their underwriting, Policy Administration and Claims Administration. Each systems runs separetly ...

Transport VC20 posting area

Hi FriendsIs it possible to transport single entry from VC20 posting area? Usually it will transport entire table (TFK033D) with VVC20X210*I have changed the one entry in VC20 and need to add that entry to TR.Can we do it using select keys from the m...

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