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Filter unanswered and answered questions

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OK - so someone has asked this before. I'm going to do something I try to avoid. They got a good answer. I've lost the actual question/answer. So I clicked on the link.

It took me to

Here I could easily change the status from answered to unanswered using a status. Now if I go to my activity type - I can't filter by status. I don't think.

I go to ABAP development and display the questions. I don't see a way to check if it is answered or not.

I've bookmarked the link above. So my question is how do I change my screen to get that nice answered/unanswered feature from wherever I'm at?

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"Now if I go to my activity type - I can't filter by status. I don't think." - sorry, but not clear what do you mean!

On the Q&A tag page like

you can select "Unanswered"

What else?

P.S. For each tag there is a Q&A tag page, you can find it using the link in the question.

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Yes I can. And I'm happy with that.

How am I able to get that option when I just look at the ABAP development tag? I can't find it.

Community -> ABAP Development ->View more blogs and questions

I can filter by question. But I can't get answered or unanswered.

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I am slowly losing what is left of my mind. In order to get a nice screen I should follow this path:

Community-> About Questions and Answers ->Find questions and answers

It does make a difference on how you display all the questions. My screen shot above was going a different path

Community->ABAP Development and then viewing the questions. That doesn't get the same options.

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General tag page is a combined list of blogs and questions. Very slow. I use it only to view blogs.

Q&A tag page is a list of questions with status filter. If you follow some tags you can switch between followed tags in the right menu.