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iChart type GroupBar

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I've been struggling to create a GroupBar that will display what I want.

I have an SQL query that returns 3 columns that I care about "Time", "RRate", "TRate" .

I would like 2 different colored bars (RRate and TRate) for each "Time" label. To be clear there will only be two colors, one for TRate and one for RRate.

XML Looks like:



<Column Description="RTIME" MaxRange="1" MinRange="0" Name="RTIME" SQLDataType="93" SourceColumn="RTIME"/>

<Column Description="Time" MaxRange="1" MinRange="0" Name="Time" SQLDataType="12" SourceColumn="Time"/>

<Column Description="RRATE" MaxRange="1" MinRange="0" Name="RRATE" SQLDataType="2" SourceColumn="RRATE"/>

<Column Description="TRATE" MaxRange="1" MinRange="0" Name="TRATE" SQLDataType="2" SourceColumn="TRATE"/>



































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Former Member
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Hi Rod,

Have you tried either a Stacked Bar or just a regular Bar chart? The Stack Bar displays your data nicely, and the Bar Chart at least displays the RRATE and TRATE side-by-side (with time under each bar).

Kind Regards,

Diana Hoppe

Former Member
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Thanks Diane

I tried those, but can't achieve the desired result (unless I'm not configuring them correctly).

Some context may help:

The two values I am displaying for each time period are:

RRate - The real rate or speed a production line is running measured in units per minute

TRate - The theoretical rate, or rate the line should run for the current product.

So if the chart starts at 8:15, the first label on the x-axis would be 8:15, the first bar above the time would be color 1 and represent the RRate, the second bar above the time would be color 2 and represent the TRate. The second label on the x-axis would be 8:30, the first bar above the time would be color 1 and represent the RRate, the second bar above the time would be color 2 and represent the TRate..... And so on..


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Try using the Custom Chart. On the Data Mapping screen, map RRATE and TRATE as the Value Columns. On the X-Axis screen, map the Time column as the X-Axis Label Columns, change the "Ticks per Label" to 1. Turn of the "Show Labels" property.

On the Server Scaling screen, make sure only "Use Global Auto Scale" is checked.

On the Data Series Details screen, choose "Bar" as the type for each.

Maybe this will look a bit closer to what you are trying to achieve

Kind Regards,


Former Member
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Thanks again Diana, that certainly does the trick.


Former Member
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That's great news, Rod