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Custom Charts

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Guys,

I am trying to plot a custom chart with three different kinds of values.

The first two Pen Types are of Line Chart and the third pen is of a Marker. Now the problem what i have is with the third one. (Marker)

From the given values for Markers, i only need to plot values which comes in a range Greater than 10 and less than 50. Other values should be hidden from viewing. Is it possible to do it this way?

And also, for the same Marker, can i have different pen colors. say for example, if index value is 1 then Color is Red otherwise Blue and so on... Is there any way to do this also?

Your valuable inputs are appreciated.



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What type of query is generating your dataset - and what is the shape out the output (single square rowset or multiple rowsets)?

What version of MII?

Former Member
0 Kudos


I am using MII 12.1

The Dataset is generated using BAPI.

And the XML structure is as follows...

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<Rowsets DateCreated="2010-05-11T15:49:53" EndDate="2010-05-11T15:30:15" StartDate="2010-05-11T15:30:15" Version="12.1.5 Build(86)">



<Column Description="" MaxRange="1" MinRange="0" Name="ACNo" SQLDataType="1" SourceColumn="ACNo"/>

<Column Description="" MaxRange="1" MinRange="0" Name="DLine" SQLDataType="8" SourceColumn="DLine"/>

<Column Description="" MaxRange="1" MinRange="0" Name="Threshold" SQLDataType="4" SourceColumn="Threshold"/>

<Column Description="" MaxRange="1" MinRange="0" Name="ServiceHrs" SQLDataType="8" SourceColumn="ServiceHrs"/>



















and the ServiceHrs column is the "marker" for me...

