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Calling a BLS transaction within an HTML5 embed tag

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Hello experts,

I am doing some research in HTML5 .  I want to use an embed tag to call a BLS transaction .  Is it possible ¡?  I am trying with the following tag :

<embed type="text/xml" src="http://<server>/XMII/Runner?Transaction=TransactionName&OutputParameter=OutPut&XacuteLoginName=Login...">

Furthermore,  I want only the BLS calculation ,  not the xml or html .  Is it possibe ¡?


Note . Using an image tag, I can get a image out from the BLS transaction .  Work pretty good, but for numbers or text I still can not get it .

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Former Member
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Hi Fernando,

    Yes it is possible to show just the text/numbers when you embed the transaction. Points to consider,

1. Make sure you have an output parameter that would eventually display the result.

2. let the content-type be text/html . This helps when you have an XML Output. It would only render the texts.

The image below is my execution of the embed code. The text highlighted in blue, is the output from the transaction parameter. The calculation logic is a simple execution of a tag query and assigning it to an output parameter.

Further more, if you are calling a transaction from the same MII instance where the HTML is, then in the src, you could just give src="/XMII/Runner/<the regular syntax>" . You do not have to give the server and the credentials. They are taken up internally.


Tufale Ashai.

Active Participant
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Hi Tufale,

If the output parameter is of type xml and you specify in your embed tag as type="text/xml", then the embed tag would automatically embed only the data from the XML.


Rohit Negi.

Former Member
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Thanks Rohi and Tufale,

I can run the BLS over HTTP and see the output as xml . However when I use it at the embed tag nothing happens .

Please help,

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Hi Fernando,

Which MII version are you using?

I tried on MII 14.0.

I had used the following syntax in the irpt page:

<embed type="text/xml" src="/XMII/Runner?Transaction=<Transaction Full Path>&OutputParameter=<name of the output param of transaction>&Content-Type=text/xml">

Make sure that the output parameter is of type XML. If the output parameter is of type String then the whole XML would be embeded on the UI instead of just the data.

For getting the transaction full path, just right click on the transaction file in the BLS workbench and choose the copy option. This would copy the path of the transaction.

Then you can paste that in the irpt page in the embed tag.


Rohit Negi.

Former Member
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Did the transaction run when you execute the webpage? You can check this in MII's Transaction Manager screen. If you find your transaction listed there, then it means your BLS logic was executed but the output was not displayed. I would check the following

1. Check if the output parameter in the URL is correct. I am not sure, but I guess its case sensitive

2. I would try changing the content-type to text/html

3. If none of these work, I would open the web page in the Google chrome, I would open the console (F12) and see if I get an error there. Check if there is a 404/401/500 error. If yes, check the url /credentials.

4. No error means more confusion .

hit and trial : , change the output parameter type to string or Just pass HELLO WORLD from the transaction as output. Check if that prints. Make sure the output param is same as that declared in transaction.