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difference between the sub transactions used in the rates with fica sub transactions.

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Can someone please explain me what is difference between the sub transactions used in the rates with fica sub transactions and how these two are linked.?



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The sub transactions used in Rates could only have a main Tr. of either 0100/0200/0250/0300- the reason being these are called by the ISU Billing engine to determine the different types of charges-supply charges, consumption etc.

Apart from this, there is no conceptual difference. as the subtransactions, irrespective of the fact that they are used standalone or used through rate schema have to be configured in the normal way in SPRO and to be assigned to the P&L account in EK02.



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Thanks for your reply Amlan.

In rates we generally find different sub transactions for different rates, for example x for rate calculating consumption amount and y for rate calculating standing charges but on account balance display (fpl9) we only only find a single posting of main transaction 0100 with sub transactions 0010 where is this mapping maintained?

Thanks in advance


Active Contributor


The reason for the single main/sub combination in FPL9 is there is an aggregation done in posting area R410.

ISU billing evaluates the consumption/meter data based upon rate configuration and determines various amounts which are posted to the different billing subtransactions which are assigned. These billing subs are used to determine the GL accounts on the revenue side of the FICA document, but all of them are totalled into one FICA subtransaction on the receivable side (0100-0010\0020). Posting area R410 allows to disable some of that totalling based upon the billing subtransactions used

