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BPC 10.1 Embedded : Saving Workspace error BPF

0 Kudos

Hello Experts,

I have attempted to create the process template , I created a new activity (opening an analysis office workbook) and validated it. It worked fine.

When i try to save the work space, i am getting the error “ Saving the workspace failed because of a missing root folder, Contact your administrator”

SAP Note (2052538 - Saving workspace failed because of a missing root folder) says that this error is because of the environment was restored from BPC NW 10.0 or older version backup file using UJBR transaction and it was not migrated to 10.1 after the restore.

But in my case, I am using the embedded environment which was not migrated from any older version (as it is part of only 10.1). However I tried to perform the resolution specified by SAP which is running the migration program UJT_MIGRATE_100_TO_101 to migrate 10.0 data to 10.1 if the restored environment was backed up from a BPC NW 10.0 system, but couldn’t find the embedded environments over there.

Have anyone faced this problem before and fixed it ?

Your assistance is much appreciated.



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Former Member
0 Kudos

Sai, Screenshots please......of BPF activity! and system details.

0 Kudos

Hi JP, please find the screen shots below

Process Template

Workspace Screen with error

System Details



Former Member
0 Kudos

Try upgrading your BPC to latest SP....003 is very old. Previous SP's had these issues with workspace saving.
