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Vendor Lot Number for non batch management materials

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Hello SAP Gurus,

We had some products which we set up without batch management but now for audit purpose we need to add vendor lot, date of manufacture, and Best by date while doing MIGO.

We have asked to activate batch management for these products but their quote is super expensive so we can't some easy solution. May be we can use customize field or misuse existing fields. My question to you guys - Is there any way to just show vendor batch field? Also, if you guys suggest any fields where we can add three info about batch and dates.

Thanks in advance.

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You can use some of the Text fields in the MIGO Item details "where"-Tab  , like  " Unloading Point"  " Goods recepient"    or  "Item Text"  field.  This data is stored in MSEG table.

One of my earlier clients had   inserted  a new Tab to capture additional data at the MIGO Item detail level,  they used the BADI MB_MIGO_BADI

Some more info on this BADI and  implementation :