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To restrict PM notification completion from IW22

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Our requirement is for Transaction "IW22" for some plants notifications can not be closed from Tcode:- IW22, user want to close notifications from customized screen , in that screen notification are closed by using bapi so we have written logic for IW22 , In user exit QQMA0014 on save if notification status found is if viqmel-phase = 4 (Closed) and viqmel-iwerk is equal required plants then throw error message, but logic is not working as phase value is not getting saved in table, Does oss note 551133 resolve this issue, please help or any other way to implement restriction for completion from IW22.


Ramesh Kumar

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Try this code in include ZXWOCU10 of user-exit IWOC0002 .

Note: Your Notification type (QMART) has been assumed to be M3 and IWERK assumed to be 1000 and 1100. You change as per your requirement.

IF i_vrgng = 'PMM4' AND sy-tcode = 'IW22'  AND i_viqmel-qmart = 'M3' AND ( i_viqmel-iwerk = '1000' OR i_viqmel-iwerk = '1100' ) .

  MESSAGE: 'Notification Can not be completed through IW22' TYPE 'E'.