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SBO 2004 Installer with Installshield

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I am new in SBO and Installshield. Pls anyone help me to write Intaller.

In installshield which project we have to select. BasicMSI?? or any other. because in BAsicMSI we can't write script.

And What are other settings.

Thanks in advance



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Keep in mind that the installation of an add-on in SBO is a totally "different animal", than regular Windows installation. If you are a VB.NET programmer there is very useful sample in the SBO SDK. The best approach IMHO is to write an add-on as a single-file EXE (e.g. myaddon.exe) along with the Interop.SAPbouiCOM.dll (I'm a C# developer and I'm not sure if a VB.NET project needs this dll to interoperate with the SBO API). Write a separate installer (myinstaller.exe) which includes myaddon.exe and Interop.SAPbouiCOM.dll as embedded resources (that is embedded as binary data in the myinstaller.exe). When you register your addon, actually you register the installer. SBO stores the installer file in its database as a binay data. Next time you or any other client restarts SBO, SBO detects that the add-on has not been installed on that particular client computer, then SBO copies the (single-file) installer program into a temporary folder and launches it. When the installer is started from this temporary folder, SBO provides the destination folder as a command line argument. The installer copies the add-on files (myaddon.exe and Interop.SAPbouiCOM.dll) to the destination folder as demonstrated by the c:\Program Files\SAP Manage\SAP Business One SDK\Samples\COM UI\VB.NET\14.AddOnInstaller sample.

Let us know how are you progressing.


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Hi Miklos!1

Thanks a lot for this Information.

actually I alredy have single exe for my addon(myaddon.exe) in vb6. When I run this exe watch result in SBO its working.

But now I want to install my addon to client system. for that I need an Installer. So I started working with Installshield.

1.You know if I use Installshield which project should I select.

2. If I write installer in .Net i need .Net fremworks installed on every machine. That's why i started Using Installshield.

3. If you know any other freeware installer?

4. If you have other Suggestion ??



Former Member
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Your addon is not required to be single exe, it is the installer of the addon that must be a single file exe (myinstaller.exe).

I see your points anyway, I'm in the .NET bandwagon and I cannot help with your Installshield questions. Our addon is developped with C#, so is the installer.

Take care,
