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Registering SAP dll's on windows 2008 R2

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I am creating a web application in ASP.NET.I have created a form for adding some entries in journal voucher.I am using SAP Business One 8.82 PL and I have deployed the web application on windows xp.The entire web application works as per my expectation when deployed on windows xp.

But the problem is created when I deploy the web application on Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise (64 bit OS).Both the dll's i.e. Interop.SAPbobsCOM and Interop.SAPbouiCOM are not registered.I have installed DI API on this server but I can not find the reference of these dll's in the registry. When I execute the web application it gives me following error -

Retrieving the COM class factory for component with CLSID {632F4591-AA62-4219-8FB6-22BCF5F60088} failed due to the following error: 80040154

I searched both 632F4591-AA62-4219-8FB6-22BCF5F60088 and dll's in the registry of the server.But I could not find the reference of it.Does this server support these dll's ?

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Active Contributor
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Hi Dilip,

The error might not relate to the registration of the dlls. Please take a look at this article which relates to permissions for running 32bit dlls in ASP.Net:

Kind Regards,


Former Member
0 Kudos

Dear Owen,

  Thanks for spending your valuable time in resolving my problem.The site ran once the setting was altered.