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Reg.Difference of KMAT and FERT.

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Dear Friends

What are the difference between FERT and KMAT. In what suituatin we will use FERT and KMAT.

Thanks in advance


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FERT is finished goods, which are manufactured to stock like mobile phones, Ball pens, OTC Medicies, Bathing soaps etc. Basic idea is that all the items manufactired of this product are same in basic qualities (characteristics).

KMAT is a Configurable Product where Customer can decided the various qualities (characteristics) of the material. Take am example of Cars, when you order for a Car, you need to select the Colour, version Vxi, lxi, Lx, Zxi, etc,

Also take example of Steel bars / rods, while buying steel you need to specify the thikness of Steels Bars, gauge, etc...

There are defined as Characteristics & pricing can also be done based on these Characteristis.

Hope this helps,


Jignesh Mehta