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IW32 - Maintenance order printing with PDF attachments

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Hi all,

We have PDF/ MSWord documents attached to maintenance order operations.
IW32 --> Operations --> prod. resources/tools --> Environment --> Documents --> Display originals.

These document attachments are printed when the user prints the order in IW32.  There is no issue with word doc. attachments.  Below error appears with PDF attachments.  And this error is not appearing consistently.  If i print 10 times, i can say it prints OK 5 or 6 times and error appears 4 or 5 times. 

I have tested in multiple computers using different windows login credentials and SAP credentials etc.  What I have found out is that there could be something related to system/ network that could be the root cause.  Any pointers could be helpful.

Please note that the actual spool output of maintenance order prints OK.  Problem is only with the PDF attachments printing.  Able to view the PDF file without issues.

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The function module was storing the PDF file temporarily in C drive main folder for printing. But windows 7 user did not have administrator access to that particular folder and therefore process fails. To fix, we changed the code to point the local folder location to C:/temp for which windows user have necessary authorization. Issue resolved !