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QA via Source Inspection and QC via Inspection at GR for same batch, possible?

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My client is looking for setting up the system in such a way that the Quality Assurance Inspection takes place at the Vendor's/Manufacturer's place and once the Batch is approved, at the time of Goods Receipt, system trigger's another Inspection Lot for Quality Control Inspection. So, technically this means:

For same Vendor or Manufacturer's Batch:

New Inspection Lot via Source Inspection Lot functionality

if approved,

New Inspection Lot via GR based Inspection.

In case, if the Source Inspection Lot is rejected then can we create a new Inspection Lot via Source Inspection functionality?

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You need to make sure of four things:

1) In the Q-info record select the inspection type to be used for the source inspection

2) In the Q-info record indicator "Source insp.-no GR" as Arjit mentioned above is NOT set

3) Create in config and set a QM in procurement key in the QM view of the material master.  The procurement key must have the field for "GR for rejection" set to "Source inspection lot has no effect on the goods receipt"  (See screen shot from config below)

4) in the material master activate and setup an 01 origin inspection type. (I suggest using a different inspection type then  you use for the source inspection.

Once these are set you should be able to create source inspection lot.  Then, regardless of the UD on the source lot, the incoming 01 inspection lot should be created.  You can also still use the GR control/Batch to control if a batch rejected by a source inspection is allowed to be received.


PS> Arjit - for some scenarios, even when source inspections are done, another inspection is required at receipt.  For instance, many pershible products like food and medicines are shipped with temperature sensitve labels on the shipping boxes that must be inspected upon receipt to determine if the box has been exposed to any high temperatures during shipping, i.e. after source inspection.

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Thanks Craig, yes I got that business scenario. Appreciate

I am still confused about the point that requester wants to create a new Source Inspection using QI07 for a Success/Reject case. Ideally, the GR inspection should be the final control after source inspection, and that's what I too have similar opinion.

If requester really needs to create another source inspection then that part should be tested. I still doubt that business case. Else, if requester still wants to perform GR and create a new inspection, that can surely be done as you already explained perfectly. No dispute there at all.

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Yes. you wouldn't create a seond or new source inspection lot. I.e. from QI07.  If I remember though there is a way that the batch number can be changed in the case of a failed inspection and a new batch number enterred and a new source inspection lot created, which acutally is just an 01 lot created early.

It think we, and the OP are simply caught up in a terminlogy issue.

But if all  he wants is to reinspect the material upon receipt, than that is possible.


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Thanks Craig you got it right and that too with best example, Will test and let you know.

For second situation, basically if the first manufacturer's lot is rejected i.e. via Inspection at Source, client wishes to inspect another manufacturer's lot for same PO Item subsequently. And I believe this is not possible in SAP (2 Source Inspection Lots - with different manufacturer's batch for same PO Item cannot be created). So, seems I have to create Inspection Lot manually and not via txn. QI07.

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No.. I'm pretty sure your second situation can be addressed as well. I just don't remember the details around it off hand and I can't set that scenario up to test.  It's been 5 or 6 implementations and over 10 years since I've had to dealt with soruce inspections for a client.  I know you can receive in a different batch against the same order item.

I beleive there is a way on the purchasing side to update the origianl order with a new batch number for a new source inspection.  I'm just not a purchaisng guru and I don't know the details on that.


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Interesting query!!

One question Nandish, how do you plan to go with second (source) inspection lot using the same PO for a different vendor ?  I don't know much about MM functionality but Im bit sure about vendor and PO, vendor cannot be changed once a PO is created.

So I also think you might have to go with manual inspection lot to address this issue.