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Posting update 2 G/L Accounts

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Hi All,

I have a requirement whereby a (Tax) posting is to update 2 G/L Accounts.

Is there a way I can represent it in the Pricing Procedure? Can I utilise the Accruals fields?

The 2nd posting is to a Balance Sheet account.

Appreciate all your replies.


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Yeah -

You are in right direction.

You can very well make use of Accruals key. Mark Tax Cond type as Accruals in V/06. assign different account key to it. maintain G/L's in VKOA.

btw: why you need to have 2 G/L accounts?

Former Member
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Hi Reazuddin,

What is the impact with marking the Tax Condition as Accruals in V/06?

There are special tax (rebates), so to speak, existing in the business. Since customers are not paying, the business will pay instead. Hence, the need is to capture the postings in a separate G/L which will be knocked-off upon payment by the user.


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Without Marking Condition type as "Accruals" in V/06.

Accruals will not get posted in G/L accounts mentioned VKOA.

Former Member
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Hi Reazuddin,

By doing so, since I am using the same condition type to post into the normal (non-accruals) account as well, will both accounts be updated?

I am afraid I may end up posting into the Accruals account only.


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Dear Navin,

Yeah normal account & accrual accounts both will get posted.

But it may create a problem, because once you market as "Accruals" in cond type, then its treated as statistical, though its not marked as statistical in pricing procedure. Beacuse of this, it will not be considered in net value calculation & will not be charged from the Customer.

Same is not apply to the cond types which is classified as "C- Expense reimbursement".

So you need to test it with Tax Cond type,

- if you mark as Accrual, You can able to post in 2 G/L accounts ( normal & accruals), but it will not add in to the net value.

- W/o marking as "Accrual " in cond type, you will not be able to post in accrual G/L account. But will be charged from the Customer.

so consider the above points,before proceeding further.

Former Member
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Hi Reazuddin,

But it may create a problem, because once you market as "Accruals" in cond type, then its treated as statistical, though its not marked as statistical in pricing procedure. Beacuse of this, it will not be considered in net value calculation & will not be charged from the Customer.

- if you mark as Accrual, You can able to post in 2 G/L accounts ( normal & accruals), but it will not add in to the net value.

An ABAP code (via Condition Base Value) will be in place to ensure that the Tax value is added into the Price (PR00). Hence, in the Sales Order, the Net Value should be concise. Based on your inputs quoted above, I believe I will be able to meet the requirements with the ABAP code and by settings the Condition Type to "Accruals".

Please correct me if I am wrong.

Once again, I appreciate all the assistance thus far.
