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partner functions

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Hi, i need to customise an account group yo use it as a partner function, how i can do it?


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You want to create an Account Group, for which you will assign only one partner function, and it can be used.

Partner determination procedure is as follows :-

First create an Account group :

Here you can have all the Account groups, you can copy either existing account group or create a new account group using new entries option.

Pathe : SPRO -> Log. General -> Business Partern -> Customer -> Control -> Define acc. Groups and field selection for customer (OVT0)

and define assign number range to the account group

After doing this follow the below procedure

Path : SPRO ->Sales and Distribution ->Basic Functions ->Partner determination->

Setup partner determination->Select setup partner determination for customer master

Here in this screen you can do partner determination:

1. Determine Partner Functions : Here you want to use only one partner function in the account group, then define that pertner function (eg. SP, SH, BP, PY )

While defining the partner functions if we check the field “Unique” that partner faction has to be unique in the customer master i.e. we cannot have multiple partners of that function in a customer master.

2. Assigning the partner functions to the Account group: -

Go to account group’s function assignment.

Go to new entries and assign the required partner functions to the required account group and save it.

eg : 0001 -> SP etc

3. Defining the partner determination procedure: -

Go to partner determination procedures

Go to new entries and define and save it

eg : AG, WE, RE, RG

Please note that Procedure contains all the required partner functions.

4.Placing the required partner functions in the procedure: - select the defined procedure and go to partner functions in procedure.

Go to new entries and place the partner functions

If we check the field “Not Modifiable” for a partner function it cannot change in the customer master.

If we check the field “Mandatory Function” it becomes a mandatory in the customer master and save it.

5.Assigning the procedure to the Account Group: - Go to partner determination procedure assignment. Assign the procedure to the account group and save it.

Hope this is clear.

Reward if helpful.

