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Open Qty only on Pick List

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi All,

I am trying to modify my Picking list in the PLD to only display items that has an open qty or where the line status is Open.

I have tried to add the line status field and link all the others to it but it doesn't work. Do you perhaps have any ideas on how I can achieve this?



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Former Member
0 Kudos

Hello Wynand,

did you create a formula where you check whether the line status is Open, and you linked this formula field to the others?

Which version do you have? Have you tried Crystal Reports?

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Otto,

No I have not, not exactly sure how to. Could you perhaps assist with an example of the formula?



Former Member
0 Kudos


i have tried the following with the PLD not in Crystal reports (it would be nice to know how to do this in CR as well, i am still looking for this part.).

You need two fields in the Pick List (System PLD).

1. Field that checks whether there is open quantity (refers to the system variable 69 which is the Open quantity in version 8.82)

F_237>0 where F_237 is the field index of the Open quantity coloumn. (Notice this formula field will also get a field index, you have to refer to this index in my case it is F_268 )

2. Field the checks whether the previous condition is true.

F_268==1 where F_268 is the field from above, this second field is F_269

The third thing you must do, is to link all rows to the F_269. They will only be visible if the condition is true. You can hide the formula fields...

Please test it hope it helps...

