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Can anyone please let me know difference between MD02 & MD03. MD02 indicates single item multi level and MD03 indicates single item single level. What does level mean? I find tcode MD04 & MD07 same. Please let me know difference. Similarly MD05 & MD06 look same. Please elaborate these things.

Thanks & Regards,

Nilesh Kumar

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In single-item, multi-level planning the BOM is exploded and dependent requirements are generated for assemblies and components. To cover the dependent requirements, these components are also planned. If the components also have BOMs, these are also exploded and the components are planned. This process is repeated until all levels of the BOM are exploded and planned.


Single-item planning only involves the planning of one individual material. Single-level means that the BOM is not exploded and that, therefore, only the level directly below the material is planned.

MD04 - This is stock requirement list

MD07 - This is stock req. list collectively

MD05- MRP list

MD06 - MRP list collective