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Former Member
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Dear All,

i purchase goods from a vendor, he hires the transport (truck) and sends goods to us.

at the time of MIGO, i have 2 delivery notes- one from the vendor who has supplied the goods and the other from the freight carrier.

i want to capture both against each other in MIGO how this can be achieved?

the reason is that during MIRO, i can select individual delivery note and clear there invoice separately.

as the freight payment is made immediately at the time of goods receipt and purchase department is sitting at other location, the purchase department doesnot know which truck on which goods have come belong to which purchase order.

thanks and regards

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This can be achieved through selection of vendor in po.

In po u can allot the vendor for transporter in the condition .

you open the freight condition and select this vendor in to this condition.

at the time of miro you can select delivery expenses. automatically this vendor will select.

we can process the invoice with this.

Former Member
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but this was not my question. it is same as proposed by you.

i want to capture <u><b>2 different delivery note number</b></u> in Migo- the one from the vendor and the other from the transporter.

in MIRO we have selection option according to <b>delivery note</b>.

if i go thru the route of PO in MIRO and select goods+ planned cost or only planned cost, then there is no issue at all.

but if i select the delivery note option, then the delivery note that is enteted in MIGO , only those selections comes.

i have already maintained a different vendor for freight condition in po or if require i can change it in MIGO also.

thanks and regards

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If thes are short numbers then why not put both in the same field

For example, 123456 and 897564

Enter 123456/897564

Steve B

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Kavitha,

In MIGO there is no seperate field to capture two delivery note, as mentioned by steve you can have both in same field.



Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Steve,

so there is no provision in migo to capture 2 delivery notes.

the proposed solution by you is ok.

if i enter the both, the guy who is doing MIRO for transporter invoices won't be able to find when he selects the option <b>delivery note</b>, as only the delivery note of transporter (paper) goes to him. the ones that comes from vendor is retained by the stores dept.

to add to his misery he even doesnot know the PO number to whom this transport delivery note refers as transporter are not concerned or required to mention it.

i think our process requires change!

thanks and regards

Former Member
0 Kudos


But if the supplier quotes the PO number on their documentation and you use the delivery document number for thye freight vendor then surely you have both references.

When the invoice for the items is being processed the PO number should appear on this and so the input person knows what PO it relates to.

When the invoice from the freight supplier is being processed then the delivery note can be used.

Or are you saying that the invoice for ther items does not quote the PO number (it really should).

Steve B