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make condition tab all pricing fields in non editable mode in Sales order

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I have a requirement. User should not be allowed to do any changes in the condition tab of Sales order item once delivery is created for that item.the pricing fields should be greyed.

Please help.

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You cannot make condition tab in grey mode but you can give some error message if user tries to change the pricing in sale order after delivery is created. Just ask your ABAPER to put logic in MV45AFZZ program and Pricing Prepare userexit. He will validate the changes with delivery line item status field which is in VBUP. I have no access to system so I don't remember the field name but you can check in this table. ABAPER will put logic that if delivery is created then value of every condition should be same. If value is changed give some error message.

Another way is to check SAP note 105621 and see its corrections. There is coding in this to modify the screens. Ask your ABAPER to check this coding and see if he can change this as per your requirement.
