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Jit Horizon in the future

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can you help  on this issue.

in VA33 jit horizon date are in the future for sevaral item, although I did not find any Jit Call in the future.

where is the problem?

Thanks for your help.

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If the VA33 JIT Delivery Schedule lines are populated from DELFOR/DELJIT/DELINS Idocs, then it's likely coming from the E1EDP10-ABHOR field of the Idoc.

This may be coming directly from the release "valid to" date on the customer EDI. (such as BSS06 or DTM2380 when DTM2002 = '159')

So the customer may have calculated the JIT requirements out through that date, and they not have any requirements.

Or, if there are requirements in E1EDP16-WMENG  in the Idocs, then it could be that the SAP logic which reduces the
order requirements when you are "ahead". Check your E1EDP10 Cums like AKUEM, AKUBM,  E1EDP10-SOLLFZ.

If the Idocs are created by the JITH transaction from Inbound JIT Calls, then check what selections were used on the JITH run, and the statuses and quantities on the undelivered JIT Calls.

If you're not happy with the ABHOR date from JITH, check SAP Note # 841443 for a User Exit to change.    

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Hello Charlyn

Thanks for your answer, yes the Idocs are generated by JITH.

And I found this is due to empty planned requirement date in some JIT calls, which causes that program will not retrieve the right ABHOR in the Idoc. Normally the calculated date should be the latest date.
