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How can I get the material consumption of the month for each specific Finished Good?

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(Sorry, I first opened this discussion in another space. I guess here's where it belongs).

Dear Experts,

This is the first time I open a discussion. I'm new at this. I've been reading for a couple of months your forums and certainly you've helped me a lot. Thanks for that. Keep it up! ^_^

Now on business. Let me explain a bit about what I'm looking for.

I've been looking for a report that shows me the material consumption of the month in quantities. Raw Material and Packaging Material to be more specific. Also I need to see the consumption of those materials by each specific Finished Good.

For example, I know the consumption of Flour of all the month, but we use it for all our Finished Goods or SKU's as we call them, since we make cookies. How can I know how much Flour each Finished Good actually used?

I've been trying with different T-Codes, reports, etc. The last thing I've got is using transaction MB51 and filtering movements type from 261 to 262. The beauty of this report is that shows me the Process Order number, since I can match the PO number to a Finished Good with another report from BI (or BEX, however you call it).

Everything was fine until I found that there are some PO's that are not directly related to a Finished Good, but to a Semi Finished Good. In some cases I'm able to match the Finished Good, since the majority of Semi Finished Goods are uniques to a Finished Good. But there are three specific cases that are my problem right now:

Cream X: We use it for three Finished Goods.

X Syrup: We use it for all the Finished Goods.

Refined X Sugar: We use it for three Finished Goods.

So those three are Semi Finished Goods which are related to certain numbers of PO's I have on the report.

In the end, with the report from MB51 I have all the list of materials (filtering only Raw and Packaging), I have the consumption of the month (filtering movements 261 and 262) and I have the PO number related to each material. Of course one material is listed many times on the report, but with different PO number.

Then, like I said, I can match the PO number to a Finished Good, except in the cases where the PO is not matched to a Finished Good, but to a Semi Finished Good like the three examples I gave you.

I don't know if there's another way to track the Finished Good having the PO number. I've tried T-Code COR3, but couldn't get too far.

I hope I explained myself a bit clear and also sorry if my English is not so good.

Thanks in advance. ^_^

Warm regards,


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Former Member
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Hi Rolando,

If the purpose is to find the consumption of a material, you can get it from report "MC.9". Plz let me know if it's useful.



Former Member
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Thanks Sudheer, but unfortunately I don't have authorization tu use "MC.9" report.

Former Member
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Oh and certainly the purpose is to find the consumption of all the materials, but I also need to know in which Finished Goods was used each material.
