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Get cardname along with cardcode usuing Choose From List Button

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I am using Choose From List button in my form. If I click the button then I can see the matrix containing business partners list and if I choose any business partner from that list then I can see the business partners id or cardcode from ocrd table in the corresponding textbox.

But I want the business partner's name or cardname also should come simultaneously in the next textbox of my form. Can some one provide me any code help for this process.



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Former Member
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Hi Sudesha,

You can get the CardName with the following code:

sCardCode = oDataTable.GetValue(0, 0)
sCardName = oDataTable.GetValue(1, 0)

Hope it helps,


Former Member
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Thanks Adele, it solved my problem



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Hi Adele,

Can I access user defined table fields in this manner?



Former Member
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Hi Sudesha,

I have not tested this, but it looks like it just refers to the index of the column, so whatever is displayed in the choose from list should be available.

Hope it helps,


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Hi Adele,

I have found out from SDK help that instead of

oCFLCreationParams.ObjectType = "2"

which is applicable for business partners we should use

oCFLCreationParams.ObjectType = "0"

for userdefined objects.

But then how I will identify the exact table name?

