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Definition of Search string to post Bank Charges to different Cost center, but when Cost element is the same.

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Hello Friends - We are getting Bank charges in the Bank statement and once imported into SAP, they are posted to default Cost center maintained in OKB9.

I have requirement that When COMISION, COMISSION, COMMISSION, COM are found in Bank statement, Bank charges should not be posted to OKB9 Cost center and to be posted to Cost center specified in Search string instead.

I defined Search String: (COMISION)|(COMISSION)|(COMMISSION)|(COM) and did the set up on Search string use correctly. When I imported the Statement with the below 4 transactions, It is working as expected only for Transaction 035 and not working for 091,878,928, though COMISSION, COMMISSION, COM are found in the Statement.

Wirtschaftsmann provided his valuable inputs on this issue here as to how to define Search string.

The different I see between 035 and 091,878,928 on Note to payee is that String found in the 2nd line for 035 and for others, it is in the first line.

Can you please let me know if this causes the issue and I would like to know if it is possible to debug to find out the issue.

:86:035?00DEBIT BY INSTRUCTION?20/EI/1837616

       COMISION TAR CRED         ?21    00018

:86:091?00COM?20/EI/723359                             TRANSFER.

:86:928?00COMMISSION?20/EI/2585                               PAG

:86:878?00COMISSION TRANSF INT?20/EI/RFB 2014052000084404



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Hi GT,

Can you please check your uploaded statement in FEBRE table and see if the terms that you are looking for i.e. COMISSION, COMMISSION, COM etc. are coming in the note to payee for all the transactions. If it is not coming then the search string you have defined would not work. Please check and respond back then we can check further.

Thanks and Regards,


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Hi Gaurav - I have imported the Statement with 035,091,878,928 and taken screen shot of FEBRE and attached below.

And also I have attached below Note to Payee displayed in FEBAN, after Statement is imported.

My understanding is that if "String" is found after "/EI" only, Search string gets triggered.

In the Note to Payee of 035, COMISION is populated after /EI and for other 3, It is populated before this. It means that Search string gets triggered, only if "String" is populated after "/EI".

Can you please check the below and provide your valuable inputs.


/EI/1837616 COMISION TAR CRED 00018 0000034200039306

/EI/1837616 IVA COMISION X INST TARJ B NMX 00018 0000034200039307


/EI/RFB 2014052000084404 REF: 19770114043DIVISA:USD IMPORTE: $30000.0 0 0000213200022047

/EI/RFB 2014051600067756 REF: 19040113641DIVISA:USD IMPORTE: $46000.0 0 0000213200022345

/EI/0002239012 TCA3862 REF: 1530113446DIVISA:USD IMPORTE: $9613.1 0 0000213200020415


/EI/2585 PAGO BOOK TO BOOK ABR M OV: 0000286400002341

/EI/185 PAGO INT MDIA <100M ABR M OV: 0000286400000181



Thanks for your help.

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Hi ,

It might be that you have tried this but Please create another Search string with ?00COMISSION  and assign to posting rule . DO NO DELETE OR CHANGE FOR SERACH STRING  FOR LINE 35.

i HAVE FOUND THIS VERY SENSITIVE  some time more space do not allow them to post

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One more i have notice . So above reply of mine is for 878  and 928.

Then creat e another serach string with ?00COM? for 91 and the assgin to posting .

I think these should work

I will say please try and let us know .

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Hi GT,

My understanding is that COMMISION or other terms for which you have defined the search string are although coming in TAG 86 but are not getting updated in note to payee field in FEBRE table. As it is not getting updated in note to payee field in FEBRE table, your search string would not work.

Can you please check if there are other terms which could help you to identify such transactions.

Please correct me if I am missing anything.

Thanks and Regards,


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Dear Expert

Instead of using search string use  below

           EBS User-Exits

Exit  ZXF01U06 through se38


User-Exits are another advanced “configuration” technique that can be used to solve complex EBS problems

OSS Note 494777 contains a complete listing and explanation of all EBS User-Exits



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Hello Gaurav/Ajeesh - Thanks for your reply.

Hello Gaurav - When it is working during Simulation in Search string definition, why Search string does not get triggered during Statement imported and does not fill FEBRE table. Can you pls share if you are aware of the logic here.

After I defined Search string, I simulated below 3 transactions and Cost center specified in Search string was shown in the result.

:86:091?00COM?20/EI/723359                             TRANSFER.

:86:928?00COMMISSION?20/EI/2585                               PAG

:86:878?00COMISSION TRANSF INT?20/EI/RFB 2014052000084404


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    Sorry, for late reply!

    I've once again checked a lot of your previous posts and I've found the screen with the table FEBRE and the actual layout of your bank statement. It seems to me that I've finally understood what is the cause of the problem with your bank statement.

    As you can see from the screenshot of your bank statement, fixed text COMISION for external business transaction code 035 is in the subfield ?20 (?20/EI/1837616 IVA COMISION). Therefore, you can find the word COMISION in the table FEBRE. Thus, the interpretation mechanism behind the EBS could identify this word and trigger posting to alternative cost center.

    On the other hand, fixed texts used for definition of search string for external BTCs 878 and 928 (00COMISSION and 00COMMISSION) can be found in the subfield ?00 (see the picture attached).

    I've checked once again my notes and found the following. Information that is stored in this subfield of the field 86 does not transmit the actual note to payee. It is used to describe the transaction type (e.g. comision, incoming payment, outgoing payment or DEBIT BY INSTRUCTION for your 035 BTC) and during the upload this subfield is not regarded as note to payee. The information from this field is stored in another table, namely in the table FEBEP-BUTXT (EBS line items). In technical terms, this field is called Posting text. Please, refer to attached picture and check your own table for this field.

    Thus, when you change your settings the way you did in your previous post from May 31, 2014 2:01 PM (), you insert additional text (00DEBIT BY INSTRUCTION?20/EI/1837616) and thus place the fixed texts used for definition of search string in the subfield ?20, where it is regarded as note to payee text.

    Unfortunately, as it seems, you cannot use the information from this field for definition of search string. Therefore, you will have to use user-exits as suggested by Ajeesh.

Hope, this will resolve your problems.

Best regards!

The Wirtschaftsmann

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Hello Wirtschaftsmann - Thanks a lot. Can I ask Bank to populate text for 878 and 928 the same as 035. Thanks

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Hello GT,

As per standard SAP search string works on whetever data which is getting stored in note to payee field of FEBRE table. So as these terms not coming in FEBRE it would not work.

Secondly i was wondering, you are using MT940 file right. So I see that we have transaction code as NCOM for most of the commission transaction. So i was wondering if instead of commission and other term you define search string as /EI/ and configure that search string for NCOM code. But this would put in the new cost center for all NCOM code.

Please look into this and see if it works for you.

Thanks and Regards,


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I'm not sure whether you can do this. It depends on the contract terms provided by your bank, if there is a clause in the contract accordind to which you can require additional information to be displayed in the text of note to payee, you can try to do this. For instance, I've encountered similar situation recently where bank doesn't provide any business transaction codes in the bank statement. However, when I read the contract terms, there was a clause that we can require the additional information to be displayed in the text of note to payee. So, I identified a list of different fixed texts that should be displayed in the note to payee text depending on the operation type (e.g. INPAYMENT, OUTPAYMENT, COMMISION, CASHWITHDRAWAL etc.). Now I'm waiting for response, but if bank will provide these texts there will be no problems with defining search strings.

Best regards,

The Wirtschaftsmann!