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Auto Batch Creation Unique Fields

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Hi All,

I have created 2 UDFu2019s in Marketing Documents ie Attribute1 (32Char) and Attribute2 (32Char). I have made a PurchaseOrder of 6 row Items and entered values to the above UDFu2019s. Now I copy that PO to GoodsReceiptPO and all the data along with the UDF values get copied to GRPO.

In my 6 rows I have same item eg ABC repeated in 3 different random rows. This item is a Batch Management on every Transaction item. When I try to add the GRPO, a Batch setup Screen pops up, Onthis Screen on the upper matrix ie Rows from Documents Matrix you will find the 3 rows of the same Items. When you Click on Automatic Creation button, an Automatic Batch Creation Screen Opens. On this Screen you have 2 fields ie BatchAttribute1 and BatchAttribute2.

What I want is how do I pass the udf values of GRPO ie Attribute1 and Attribute2 value on this Automatic Batch Creation Screen. I am trying it to do with SDK but I cant get the reference of which ROWs Automatic Screen is Opened as all the 3 item are ABC and they are on different different rows in GRPO (say on row1 and row3 and row6) and all these rows have different different values in the UDFs. I need to put the respective values from GRPO to the Automatic Batch Creation Screen BatchAttribute1 and BatchAttribute2 fields.

I hope I am being able to explain you the entire scenario clear to you.

Which is the unique key which is hidden on the Automatic Batch Creation Screen which sap knows and we are unaware. For that reason I explained you the entire scenario. My question was just that sap should let me know which is that field in SAP that is storing and passing the DocNo and Line No of GRPO to the AUTO BATCH Creation Screen. This fields are not visible to us, so how do I get the reference of this field on Auto Batch Creation Field or is there any other field by which sap recognizes during the time of Auto batch Creation. Would really appreciate you kind support for the same.



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you may use ItemEvent's property - Row to get row number.

Best Regards,

Xiaodan AN

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Dear Xiaodan AN,

Thanks for your suggestion, I tied it but doesnu2019t seem to work. I am on form no 65053 which is the Auto Batch Creation Screen and I need to copy the GRPO Attribute UDF into AutoBatchCreate Attribute Field as per my scenario given above.

Here is my code of Item Event,

If pVal.FormType = "65053" and pVal.EventType = SAPbouiCOM.BoEventTypes.et_CLICK And pVal.ItemUID = "37" And pVal.BeforeAction = True Then
CopyAttribute(pVal, BubbleEvent)
End If

Public Sub CopyAttribute(ByRef pVal As SAPbouiCOM.ItemEvent, ByRef BubbleEvent As Boolean)
        Dim frmAutoBatchNo As SAPbouiCOM.Form
        frmAutoBatchNo = My_Application.Forms.GetForm("65053", 1)  

        Dim rowno As String
        rowno = pVal.Row
	  . . . . 
End Sub

As per your suggestion I tried to get the row of item event but for all the 3 items I am getting the same value of rowno = -1

Can you futher explain me with an code

Kind Regards,


Former Member
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Let me just add a note.

Switch to the functions the object oForm. In this way we can have everything he has in form.

For UDF the FormUID = "-65053".

Dim sValue As String = ""
Dim oEdit

' On click you need to get value from one attribute:
oEdit = oForm.Items.Item("ITEM1").Specific
oEdit = Nothing
' ... and to set value to other attribute:
oEdit = oForm.Items.Item("ITEM2").Specific
oEdit.Value = sValue

oEdit = Nothing

Other example I has posted [here|;

Hope my notes can help you.

Best Regards

Sierdna S.

Edited by: Sierdna S on Oct 22, 2008 10:20 PM