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Adding BP Catalog info to Inventory Master Data>Inventory Data tab

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Hello SAP gurus,


Is it possible to add the BP catalog number information for an item in the Inventory Master Data/Inventory Data tab?

The problem we are having is that several users find it hard to see if there is stock for an item that has stock under the BP catalog item.

Can two fields be added in the Inventory Data tab?

Field 1 = BP Catalog Item number

Field 2 = Total stock of parent/childs

I hope this makes sense.


Is there a way to make it so that the part being searched also shows the stock from the BP cat items?

Thank you in advance for any help you provide.

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SELECT T2.[ItemCode], T2.[ItemName],T1.[Substitute], T0.[OnHand] FROM [OITW]  T0 inner join  OSCN T1 on t0.itemcode = t1.itemcode INNER JOIN OITM T2 ON T0.[ItemCode] = T2.[ItemCode] WHERE t0.whscode = '01' and T2.[itemcode] =[%0]

This gives me the BP Catalog Numbers for an Item Number.

Can someone help add to this where it shows the stock of the BP Catalog Numbers?

This is the result I get from above. All I need is for the right side to have the correct stock of each BP Cat Number.

See attachment: BP Cat Number SFP-GE-S-ENC should have Qty. 365

Thank you so much for all of your help.

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Hello Larry

stock quantity is always based on item code,  it is not possible to get quantity for specific catalog number. in your case you can get the quantity for SFE-1GE-SX-ENC that is your item code and not for SFP-GE-S-ENC


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Hi Ranu,

If I create a Sales Order and enter in an Item No., there is a clickable "magnifying glass" icon that pops open the Parent-Child Inventory_V2 window. It shows the same ItemCode and quantities for all warehouses BUT the quantities include Parent-Child Inventory.

I will show you an example showing stock for SFP-1GE-SX-ENC.

Here is the BP Cat Numbers for SFP-1GE-SX-ENC.

Now take a look when I create a Sales Order and click on the magnifying glass icon next to Item No. SFP-1GE-SX-ENC. It will show stock quantities including Parent-Child Inventory from Item No. SFP-GE-S-ENC.

Now I will show you what the inventory is for SFP-GE-S-ENC which is listed as one of the BP Catalog Numbers.

How is the Parent-Child Inventory screen showing stock quantities?

How can I create a query that does the same thing?

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HI Larry

please check, I think you were looking for such result. do reply if it helps you or you have few more requirements. 

SELECT t0.itemcode as 'main item', T1.[ItemCode] as ' bp catalog item', T1.[ItemName] as 'bp catalog discription', T1.[OnHand] as 'bp catalog quantity'  FROM OSCN T0  INNER JOIN OITM T1 ON T0.substitute= T1.[ItemCode] WHERE T0.[ItemCode] =[%0]


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Hello Ranu,

You are the man!!

Thank you.